Question about Fertilizer/Suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys,
I have a question about fertilizer... My soil is Miracle Grow Organic. At this point I know it's lacking some SERIOUS N-P-K. So, we bought this fertilizer. It's made by Pennington and called "Tomato & Vegetable Plant Food". It's a 9-12-12 fert. I've read in lots of places that whatever's made for Tomatoes you can use for Marijuana plants... Anyone know if that's true?

My dilemma is... Lastnight I had to water them due to a whitefly issue explained in another thread. So the directions say to use 2 Tablespoons of this stuff (it looks like little rocks) per plant. Then water thoroughly. Since I can't water them for almost a week now, can I put 2 Tablespoons of this stuff in Water and then spray them? Should I just buy Liquid Fert and just do it the right way? I don't even know if mixing that stuff with water and spraying actually works... It could be extremely BAD. I just don't know.

Or does anyone know how I can get them the proper N-P-K? Or should I just get better soil and transplant? They are pretty big now and roots are HUGE. I've never transplanted anything this big before so I'm concerned of screwing it up and killing them. They are a month old this week so I don't want to mess anything up.

Basically, I was treating them for a Magnesium Deficiency. And it was helping ALOT. All new growth was GREEN with like 1% or 2% of the rusty spots that were there. I used a Tablespoon of Epsom Salt per Gallon of Distilled water with the PH Adjusted between 6.5 and 7.0 and sprayed them daily. I removed them from the lights and let them dry so they wouldn't get burned. It was working... But now with the whitefly issue, I've read they can mimic nutrient deficiencies because they eat on the roots and you don't see them right away. But I DO know now for SURE that the MG Organic soil lacks some SERIOUS Macro-Nutes (N-P-K). They are doing GREAT dispite the issues however they could be alot better!

Any suggestions or solutions please let me know! THANKS GUYS!

Keep Burnin':joint:MOVKushSmoker


Well-Known Member
to transplant just turn the pot upside down sueeze the sides of the pot and give it a tap it will come right out, don't try to pull it from the stem!! If you transplant correctly the plant will not have transplant shock. Don't foliar feed with that stuff it might burn it. It would be better to get a water slouble fertilizer so you can flush more thoroughly. Is your plant in veg or flowering? For flowering use something with low N high P and some K, I've heard Schultz bloom booster works well that has 10-54-10, some people use bat guano, my guano is .5-12-.2. For vegging you want high N some phosphorus and some K.
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Well-Known Member
My plants are in veg right now. About a month old. It's one Sativa/Indica mix and 4 Orange Crush. I was aware about the cutting out the Nitrogen in Flowering stage and up the Phosphorous. Thanks for that. I want 2 Try Bat Guano later... This stuff is 9-12-12. Should I wait a week and use it when I water? or should I get something with an N-P-K ratio higher in Nitrogen? What do you use for Veg? What's a good N-P-K ratio for Veg? Thanks Ganja!


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what you're talking about ... MG Organic has shit tons of nutes in it. I def experienced a Mg deficiency in it, so I'm with you there. The schultz i've seen does not contain Mg, but it sounds like you've got that under control.

Just go the right way and get a veg and bloom fert, and use them as prescribed. It's just easy. Drop <$20 per quart for each and you're good for a while.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Cee... I wasn't aware that MG Organic has tons of nutes... The N-P-K on the back lists it as 0.20% (as an example, I can't remember the exact percentages off hand.) however it doesn't say it like 2.0 instead it says 0.20. I assumed this meant that the N-P-K was in tenths of percentages in there instead of whole numbers like 9-12-12 for example. Maybe I'm doing just that - assuming - and I'm not interpreting it correctly. Or maybe i'm right? I'm just not sure. So I should just stick with MG Organic then? Thanks for the reply.


Well-Known Member
well, MG organic is not the best, but it's certainly not bad. i've long since switched to fox farms, which i amend with more perlite (as i did with the miracle gro too). that said, i've grown some monsters in MG organic. i've grown for up to 1.5-2 months without supplementary nutrients, and burned plants when supplementing with guano on top of it.

the absolute NPK is not terribly relevant, as it has more to do with what is accessible for uptake by your plants. the idea is that your soil should give your plant what it needs until it's time to supplement. after that, if you get something designed for marijuana, botanicare, foxfarms, etc., you're not going to have to worry about anything except how you're going to smoke everything you grow ...

good luck.


Well-Known Member
I wasn't aware of all that Cee... I didn't know that they made stuff specifically for Marijuana plants... Guess I still need to do some research. Guess that's what makes me a "newbie". I appreciate all your input. I'm going to stick with the MG Organic then. Don't want to transplant if I don't have too. I did mix in Perilite with the MG Organic when I did the "final" transplant a few weeks ago. I put them all in 3 quart pots. I'm going to get the pics up now. We had to run out for a few hours. I'm just trying to pinpoint my issues. Thanks alot man.