question about growing in australia


Active Member
I am new to this, but Is it OK to begin growing some plants in mid winter considering that austrlia's (sydney's) winter is pretty hot and sunny compared to other other countries?


Well-Known Member
Im not familiar with the Aussie weather. Is it true when it's winter here it's summer there or the other way around? Explain...............



Well-Known Member
but I thought they only grow well in summer?

I am a newb my self mate... but am getting a lot of help from a few ppl.. big THANX to you all you know who you are :D

and they have advised if you are going to plant out side to germ em inside wait 3 - 4 weeks and then plant em out side.. and that it is best to plant em now so they dont dry put when they aer seedlings... there is a shit load of other info mate just read a few of the out door grow threads ;)


Well-Known Member
i reakon you could have em out by august it not like you get anf bad frosts. as long as it above/close to 10 degries celcius at night go for it

Blaze happy

Active Member
Good question, i was wondering the exact same thing a few weeks back, so i tried it. I live on the gold coast btw, so at night it only drops to 10-15 at the very minium.

Well in the 2-3 weeks since i planted, the 3 little seedlings are still exactly that, little seedlings. They even still have the round little pre-leaves. there slowly getting lighter green and starting to yellow up a bit, which i dont know whats the cause.

I was hoping theyd act like autoflowering lowriders and somehow id get 3 little foot high plants with a bit of bud to smoke before the growing season here starts.

unfortunatly they dont seem to have grown really at all, and im guessing its cus there not getting any vegative groth due to them being on a flowering light cycle.

All in all, wait till spring, and best of luck :)


Well-Known Member
i started my seedlings a few weeks ago,you can plant them outdoors any time after the winter solstice (around the 22nd june)as long as you are not going to get any frosts(but even with frosts they are quite hardy some of mine have survived two frosts).

if you plant now the growth rate will be a bit slow as it is a bit cold for them,but when the spring arrives they will jump up and suprise you.

as to the heat you dont get shit over there in sydney heat bah humbug..:-)

seriously they can handle the aussie heat,give them full sun water in the evenings and never during the heat of the day even if they are a bit droopy,the evening drink will get them up ready for the next stinker..

plant now ,grow all year ,and harvest a thumper :-):-)


Active Member
mate this is the best time to plant in oz they got a full year to grow, if you plant now and dont care how long your plant will be growing for, plant now let it grow all through summer next year when winter starts to come in your crowns will get fatter denser and stickier, doesnt matter if your growing Indica or Sativa buds mature a hell of a lot better in the cooler months in aus, well from my personal growing experiences anyway as long as the frost isnt to bad which CAN KILL, if your worried about heat dont be i grow in the far north where its always hot and humid, except on the tablelands its not as humid but in winter it can get mighty fukin cold and thats only hour an half drive or so, dependin on how ya drive, where ya drivin to and which route ya take
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