Question About my lights


I wasn't sure where to post this so I am posting here :lol:. My Question is this, how far should my lights be from my little sproutlings? They are just about 2 days old n grown good it seems. I would say my lights are about 6 inches from the tops of them. I have 4 4foot floros only startnwith 2 plants so only 2 are lowerd to 6 inches from the tops the others are around a foot away.. bulbs not hot on hand or anything I was just wondering if I am ok N when I should move them and how much...... Thank you for ne help and as you may tell I'm new..


Active Member
I think you will be fine with that distance. Let the plants grow up to your lights then raise them as the plants grow. Good luck


It all depends my friend. Maybe you should lower your lights an inch or two.


Odinfolk was right, my plants kept growing off to the side, When I moved the lights about a inch and a half closer they began to grow straight up again and have that happy perkyness to them...
So thanks again odin let me know if you need ne thing im new to the game but will be glad to help with what info I can provide.....

This is another question I have about my little babies. My plants are about 3 days old and seem to be growing at a rate of almost a inch or so a day, I currently have them in smally clay pots id say 3" 1/2 inch pots... My question is when should I transplant them into a pot about 8" Should I let them keep going for a few more days to build nice strang root bulb in the small pot or is it better to transplant now and lets them roots take off into the 8" pot ? Thank You for your time, and any help you can provide will be greatly apreciated n enjoyd later ; )

Happy Growing