Question About Nute Burn

Sal Locc

Active Member
I had put up a pic before of my plant I burnt a bit from nutes. My question is what is my next step to get my plant back on track. Do I flush it just water it or still feed it my plants are on the 3 week of flowering


Well-Known Member
Different ways of approaching it. Some flush and feed with ph'd water for a few days then add 1/2 strength nutes and slowly bring it back up to normal. Others flush and then feed with 1/2 strength nutes, I usually approach it with the 1/2 strength nutes initially method it has worked for me.
I just got through an overwatering problem myself. Today the plants are starting to perk up again and gain back color. 2 of the 18 plants have nute burn bad on them. Now I was wondering if I should flush them out now, or give them another day to deal with the over watering issue from 2 days ago. Kind of off topic but it also isnt so. Any help would be great, thanks :)


Well-Known Member
IMO if they are bouncing back let the soil dry. You don't want to overwater again. Btw consider changing your soil mix so it you don't have that problem anymore