Question about seedlings and sprouting habits


Active Member
Ok, i heard this in conversation the other day and i wanted to check the validity of the statement.

Do male seeds tend to sprout/germinate faster than female seeds?

I feel like a newb for asking this. :neutral:


Well-Known Member
in actuality, does it matter? would you throw away the plant because you THINK it sprouted faster than normal? who has a guide to say how long sprouting should take? where do we distinguish when males will sprout and when females will? let the plant grow and when you change the light cycle, you'll find out what it is, lol.


Well-Known Member
Ok, i heard this in conversation the other day and i wanted to check the validity of the statement.

Do male seeds tend to sprout/germinate faster than female seeds?

I feel like a newb for asking this. :neutral:

no it dont work like that , it might be a tough strain or bach of seeds if they sprout fast bro


Active Member
in actuality, does it matter? would you throw away the plant because you THINK it sprouted faster than normal? who has a guide to say how long sprouting should take? where do we distinguish when males will sprout and when females will? let the plant grow and when you change the light cycle, you'll find out what it is, lol.
to answer your question, no it doesnt matter. i was simply asking for validation of a comment that came up in a conversation i was having a few days ago... obviously with the posts following your post, the statement is NOT valid, nor is it provable it seems.

I wasnt asking this question so that i could have a reason to "throw away" a plant...

no offense, but you read WAY too far into what i was asking.


Well-Known Member
so if the really smart person who originally told you about this sprouting faster deal said it was 2 days for a male and 3 for a female to sprout, what would you do? you asked us the question to validate it in your mind, i agree. however, you would've started tossing plants out if they came up in 2 days, like your buddy said. i was attempting to make you see the stupidity in what someone else had told you. your obviously brighter than him or her because you've questioned the ridiculous statement they made. i wasnt shooting you down, just trying to help by showing how retarded what THEY said was. so relax, be grateful people here are willing to help each other out, so we're not all throwing perfectly good plants out the window..... :)


Active Member
so if the really smart person who originally told you about this sprouting faster deal said it was 2 days for a male and 3 for a female to sprout, what would you do? you asked us the question to validate it in your mind, i agree. however, you would've started tossing plants out if they came up in 2 days, like your buddy said. i was attempting to make you see the stupidity in what someone else had told you. your obviously brighter than him or her because you've questioned the ridiculous statement they made. i wasnt shooting you down, just trying to help by showing how retarded what THEY said was. so relax, be grateful people here are willing to help each other out, so we're not all throwing perfectly good plants out the window..... :)

ok, understood. we see where each of the other is coming from, good stuff.

Ya the whole reason i even started this thread is simply because i had never heard anything like a "general rule of thumb", as my friend put it, for the speed/amount of time a seed takes to sprout. My friend said, " As a general rule of thumb, Male seeds will sprout faster than female seeds." It didnt sit quite right in my brain, so i came to the largest source of knowledge and experience that i knew of ( RIU ) and asked. Also, in my first post, i worded what i wanted to say incorrectly, now that i go back and read it that is. Should have added his statement above my question. I had no intentions of pulling any of my plants as a result of either validating/ debunking what was talked about in my conversation.

a quote from a well umm
Common sense ain't so common anymore... Stupidity should be painful...

lul.... So good of you to add something so useful, not to mention VALID, to the thread. But now i kindly ask you to shove it.

I love it when I'm belittled for a question I ask about a subject that I am still learning about and have very little experience in, except for smoking large quantities of course. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside to know that ass-hats like that are hiding around every corner.