Question about trimmed leaves


Well-Known Member
So I cut my plant and trimmed the bigger fan leaves off. I come back 2 days later and there is water on the floor around the leaves. My question: Was the water from the recently trimmed fan leaves ??


Well-Known Member
Explain further please. I don't understand what is happening. No age given for the plant. No veg or flower mentioned. More details please but don't write a book. And a pic is worth a thousand words. More in the case of some folks.


Well-Known Member
Seems unlikely. You probably spilled some and didn't notice or it condensed from the air. Maybe you didn't put the dehumidifier tank back in straight and it leaked.


Well-Known Member
The water on the floor thing is either caused by
1. (highly unlikely to go unnoticed) You didnt notice it when you first watered and its usually gone by the next day because the foliage transpires it, when you trimmed/defoliate ect transpiration slows leaving your medium wet a bit longer.
2. You simply spilt some shit.

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Can't even count how many times I got baked & then forgot what I was doing & then came back the next day all like who the fuck made all this mess??!!? Lol short term memory loss...the struggle is real my friends