Question about using a screen

Blunt Ed

Right now I have 2 plants that are in separate 5 gallon buckets in one big barrel type bucket with a screen covering the top duct taped to the sides to keep all bugs out. My question is, would the screen block out any sun light my plants need or would my plants still get plenty of sunlight? Right now there outdoors about 20 feet into the woods. Is this effective to keep bugs out? Or should I take the screen off immediately and use some kind of bug spray instead?

Blunt Ed

Nope, first time growing outdoors and the woods are wetlands so there are lots of bugs.

Edit: I also want to keep any other pests away. The screen is from one of those open screen porches.

Blunt Ed

Not 55 gallon barrel, it's like a bigger bucket, one of those huge buckets with rope handles type of things, about 2-3 feet deep.


Well-Known Member
i would guess if your plants are small its because theyre in the woods............not enough sun a piece of window screen wont block that much sun........probably need to plant those up at the edge of the woods

Blunt Ed

You misunderstood, my plants are only 2 weeks old so there supposed to be small right now. Sunlight doesn't seem to be a problem, there in a spot where they will get at least 10-12+ hours of sunlight a day. I just want to know if a screen over the plants will cause a problem with the sun light getting in. Once they get too big, I'll have to cut a whole in the screen for them but at least it will block most pests from getting in for now. So unless the screen will block sun light, I want to keep it over them.