Question About Weed


After getting on this website I've learned alot of new stuff about weed, such as Dro is not an actually weed but the way of growing it. My questions are:

1. Since males are the ones that produce seeds, are mids and other weeds that have seeds in them male?

2. I haven't had a lot of diff exp with this but the Dro that I have smoked haved just about always looked tasted and smelled the same. But maybe it was from the same person I dunno. But will growing different strains using hydroponics produce the same look taste and smell? I assume won't produce the same high


Well-Known Member
1. mids is just weed that is grown for quantity not quality. So in most cases there are people who are growing these monster feilds of mids are just growing to get the quickest buck they can, and then then since the feilds are so big they put little to no effort into it sexing the plants. Then since they didnt put in enough effort in to pull out the male plants in there crop eventually when they matured enough the male plants put off a pollen into the air and pollenates the female buds which in turn produces the seeded bud.

Any plant putting off actual BUDS and not just seedpods is a female. But in some cases you can get a hermi which is a female plant that produces seeds without a male even being present.

2. All weed is different. /end of story


Oracle of Hallucinogens
1. Since males are the ones that produce seeds, are mids and other weeds that have seeds in them male?
Weed with no seeds is called sinsemilla (spanish for without seed). Weed with seeds are female buds that have been polinated by male plants or hermaphrodited I do believe.

2. I haven't had a lot of diff exp with this but the Dro that I have smoked haved just about always looked tasted and smelled the same. But maybe it was from the same person I dunno. But will growing different strains using hydroponics produce the same look taste and smell? I assume won't produce the same high
No. Plants have different phenotypes making them all look, smell, taste, high, etc. different.