Question. For LP's


Well-Known Member
If you knew someone close to you that was sick. Would you not GIVE them as much medicine as they would need for free? I mean,why not right? It's yours to give away after all.


workers included in that as well . :)


Well-Known Member
are you really expecting an LP to respond?...
at the risk of taking a beating here;

I wouldn't expect an LP to give anything away for free. It's a business. What other business gives their stuff away for free? I think the LPs should be pushing the insurance companies and the government as much as possible to get coverage for patients.

Now how about the same question for growers?...


Well-Known Member
It would be difficult for the company to give it away. But not impossible to get medicine to special cases.

As the grower, I would need to get a perscription from my doc, apply as a patient at my LP, order and pay for it, then have it mailed to my house. I could then give it to whom ever I please.

Why you need some?



Well-Known Member
It would be difficult for the company to give it away. But not impossible to get medicine to special cases.

As the grower, I would need to get a perscription from my doc, apply as a patient at my LP, order and pay for it, then have it mailed to my house. I could then give it to whom ever I please.

Why you need some?



Well-Known Member
I think in theory once the rec market starts up lps should give patients meds for free or close to it.
Let the lps make their profits off of the rec guys.

Dont think we will ever see a not for profit lp.
Its too expensive and time consuming to get started up.


Well-Known Member
It would be difficult for the company to give it away. But not impossible to get medicine to special cases.

As the grower, I would need to get a perscription from my doc, apply as a patient at my LP, order and pay for it, then have it mailed to my house. I could then give it to whom ever I please.

Why you need some?

No, but thanks all the same for asking.


Well-Known Member
If enough people end up with scripts then I'm sure insurance companies will take note. The MMAR never allowed for this type of coverage, hence the home grows,CCS...

Sooo many people take pharmaceutical drugs and I think they may find it hard to wrap they're heads around helping people afford pot.


Well-Known Member
when people star to realize the benefits of MMJ instead of Pharma made CRAP...??

then Pharma will start to realize they finally are now... that they have to move on this shit if they want a piece of the pie.
I think it's almost to late unless they start really delving into the science of the whole deal.
I'm not waiting around for them to figure out it does indeed help...


Well-Known Member
That's because you're not a greedy fucking LP
Yes and no. There is a difference. I give it to whomever I choose. I dont have people calling me asking free meds. The lps business is based around selling to sick people. They cant sell to rec users. Technically everyone should get compassionate pricing or free weed. Why doesnt your mechanic fix your car for free? I mean you need it to get to work and support your family. Not only do they gotta make a living but they got a board and shareholders to report to. And with a market that only has 40,000 potential customers and only 15000 lookimg to buy, AND it takes millions to get this business off the ground, im not surprised that their prices are high. Not to mention potetionally unlimited competition and the inability to advertise.
I think the lps have a place in med pot in canada. Its for those who cannot grow for themselves and have immune deficiencies that could harm them if some sort of bacteria or mold was in their product. Unfortunately the lps were setup to fail by hc. Over regulation, extremely stringent requirements and tons of red tape have driven the startup costs sky high. And rcmp background checks have kept those who might have actually grown in the past from running these places.
In short, I have the ability to it away for free, while the multimillion dollar corporation cant afford to lol


Well-Known Member
Yes and no. There is a difference. I give it to whomever I choose. I dont have people calling me asking free meds. The lps business is based around selling to sick people. They cant sell to rec users. Technically everyone should get compassionate pricing or free weed. Why doesnt your mechanic fix your car for free? I mean you need it to get to work and support your family. Not only do they gotta make a living but they got a board and shareholders to report to. And with a market that only has 40,000 potential customers and only 15000 lookimg to buy, AND it takes millions to get this business off the ground, im not surprised that their prices are high. Not to mention potetionally unlimited competition and the inability to advertise.
I think the lps have a place in med pot in canada. Its for those who cannot grow for themselves and have immune deficiencies that could harm them if some sort of bacteria or mold was in their product. Unfortunately the lps were setup to fail by hc. Over regulation, extremely stringent requirements and tons of red tape have driven the startup costs sky high. And rcmp background checks have kept those who might have actually grown in the past from running these places.
In short, I have the ability to it away for free, while the multimillion dollar corporation cant afford to lol
if the LP's gave good pricing & quality meds, we would beat down their doors making orders but since they sell crap & big prices, why go there? hi priced crap? eat a kobe beef steak & look in the toilet the next day-high priced crap.
i agree that they should be an option-not the forced.
i think when i am asked, i'll check it out, if I'm forced-I will fight.

c ray

Well-Known Member
buying lp weed is like buying certified organic food, you don't know if the product will be any good when you buy it but you can be fairly reasonably assured (but not 100% assured) that it was not treated with any sprays..


Well-Known Member
Yes and no. There is a difference. I give it to whomever I choose. I dont have people calling me asking free meds. The lps business is based around selling to sick people. They cant sell to rec users. Technically everyone should get compassionate pricing or free weed. Why doesnt your mechanic fix your car for free? I mean you need it to get to work and support your family. Not only do they gotta make a living but they got a board and shareholders to report to. And with a market that only has 40,000 potential customers and only 15000 lookimg to buy, AND it takes millions to get this business off the ground, im not surprised that their prices are high. Not to mention potetionally unlimited competition and the inability to advertise.
I think the lps have a place in med pot in canada. Its for those who cannot grow for themselves and have immune deficiencies that could harm them if some sort of bacteria or mold was in their product. Unfortunately the lps were setup to fail by hc. Over regulation, extremely stringent requirements and tons of red tape have driven the startup costs sky high. And rcmp background checks have kept those who might have actually grown in the past from running these places.
In short, I have the ability to it away for free, while the multimillion dollar corporation cant afford to lol
I get what you're saying, but what kind of person goes into a business spending millions before they even have authorization to earn?