Question for you mm users.


Active Member
Alright i'm just offense to people who actually use it for health problems but...when you get your card, what exactly goes down in that doctors office..i mean, are there any not so 'legit' mm users?



Well-Known Member
There are a lot of very legit med users like me and there are a lot of fakers, nobody cares. But I bet you have some chronic pain somewhere on you don't you? You get a kink in your neck often or you have carpal tunnel pain in your wrists or you get a lot of backaches or headaches or something right? You don't have to pretend a thing you see your doctor for those problems at least twice and report the pain see if there's anything he can do to fix it. If not, then you get him to sign your paperwork and if that doc won't then you go to a place like THCF medical clinic and they get your records showing you have legitimate re-occuring pain and their doc signs it for you. The doc just checks your blood pressure asks health history questions, etc boom done.

Find me someone that doesn't actually have a legitimate qualifying condition at any age I dare you.


Active Member
I have been a MM patient for 2 years and reside in California.

The Doctor I got my card from and have been renewing through is very cool. All he requires from you to get a card is 75$ cash and either an X-ray showing injury, MRI, etc. OR you can bring in prescriptions (pain pills, anxiety pills, depression pills, muscle relaxers, etc).

After that he takes your cash, records your problem, and fills out your paperwork. The whole thing takes about 20-30minutes.