Question on Server

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
How long are our PMs kept on the server? Or are they deleted when we delete them? Just say IF an agency cane to look at my account, how easy would it be for them to get access, and would I be informed that someone did attempt to gain access?

Just concerned.

when i'm on RIU i use an wireless pre-pay Dongle that is untraceable , the ip is over 300 miles away and unregistered. Let them read your pm's....
I use TOR on a dongle, but I really dont want my PMs read buy anybody either if its at all possible to avoid it without stopping PMing. But Id REALLY like to know that if some random agency came expolring what is RUI policy, and would that person whos account they wanna see get a heads up?
I use TOR on a dongle, but I really dont want my PMs read buy anybody either if its at all possible to avoid it without stopping PMing. But Id REALLY like to know that if some random agency came expolring what is RUI policy, and would that person whos account they wanna see get a heads up?
Hopefully someone will reply as idk soz.
No one will read your PMs, and the site owner has taken every precaution to protect our info. There will be no cooperation with any "agency," and they will not be able to access any of our info.

If you are using a proxy server, then there is no way to trace anything to you anyway.
