Question specific to anyone using the Genesis Formula Nutrients


Active Member
Ok guys I have a question. I am on my second grow and have adopted the techniques and advise from my experienced brother. He swears by using the 3 part Genesis Formula and ti be perfectly honest my first grow using that was a huuge success. Now my local grow shop is recommending I buy some cal mag to put in my buckets. I'm growing hydroponically in normal bubble pots. Now I have read the information on the genesis bottles and each part contains extra micro nutrients. Now it details the NPK but doesn't say how much calcium and other micro nutes are contained in it. If I buy some cal mag how am I to know I'm not overdoing it? Also as far as I can tell only one plant out of 4 is showing tiny signs that it could possibly benefit from cal mag. However the grow shop recommends I use it as stated on the bottle even with genesis. I'm sure he knows his stuff, but is that really necessary? My previous grow worked out just fine without any other additives and it specifically says on the bottles it contains all needed micro nutes.

Any body else have any experience with using the Genesis Formula got any advice?

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Active Member
As far as I can tell The Genesis Formula came from USA. Not sure if any of you guys know much about it? There's isn't tonnes of info on it.

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Active Member
Genesis formula all the way mate, no extra calmag, trace mix, enzymes or any other shit the hydro "SHOP" tries to sell you. I've used it for years and have never suffered defences etc, just adjust your feed for each stage of growth and remember not to phase out the grow part until past week 2 of flower. If you need any info on this stuff I'd be happy to share my charts.


Well-Known Member
it isn't so much a question on the brand because every brand of nutrients is basically the same shit.
most nutrients come in a 3 part solution part a part b and a part c solution that acts as a guardian angel for beginner growers.
basically on your first few grows you want to use as many nutrients as your hydro shop owner says WILL BENEFIT, new growers are going to make plenty of mistakes regarding watering and feeding especially.
my first grow I spent 200 dollars on nutrients just 1L concentrates about 6 bottles my part A and B coco stuff, my BUDLINK part c, my fulvi jooce, my mama jooce, and my seajooce and Rapid PK for flowering...
I know it sounds expensive and irrelevant HOWEVER...
I have not yet had any problems with my plants even with massive heats and humidities, and even from clones I had massive root systems in a matter of weeks.
it just helps when your starting out to have all the added help of nutrients rather than hoping your plant uptakes your growth and bloom nutes, the last things you want for your first grow after spending $1K on a tent fans and lights is to have your plants die late in flower because you only had the basic nutrients


Well-Known Member
Genesis formula all the way mate, no extra calmag, trace mix, enzymes or any other shit the hydro "SHOP" tries to sell you. I've used it for years and have never suffered defences etc, just adjust your feed for each stage of growth and remember not to phase out the grow part until past week 2 of flower. If you need any info on this stuff I'd be happy to share my charts.
except ofcourse if your a beginner...
I understand that plants obviously do not need all the bells and whistles of the supplement programs but they really do make things a lot easier for your first few grows.
it's just a bunch of things less that you have to worry about daily, its enough of a struggle when your starting out to determine an issue let alone having to I.D a deficiency.
in time you can most definitely toss the extra nutrients if you feel they are a waste.


Well-Known Member
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

You said your first grow was a huge success. Keep doing what you were doing. Unless you were showing signs of a cal/mag deficiency, don't add any, it really is that simple. Tell the guy at the hydro shop to take a hike, he just wants your money or to sound like a know it all.

"Yeah bro, now you just need to add some calmag to your food. Don't forget big bud, and bud candy, that's how the big dogs do it"