

Active Member
Hey guys quick question, I really dont think its bugs as no of the other plants are like this and I can't see any around or under the leaves. Maybe a deficiency of some sort.


Well-Known Member
Bugs for sure. Most bugs don't eat weed. I have a few that have that type of damage. Keep an eye on them for additional damage and to spot the culprit. I used to worry about rabbits, mice, gophers, and such but have never had any problems. I raise goats and they will not eat it. Pigs will and enjoy shade leaves and stems.


Rainbow Warrior

Well-Known Member
I used to worry about rabbits, mice, gophers, and such but have never had any problems.
I just lost 5 plants to mice, it was Saturday night though and I reckon they wanted To get mashed...
Got a Hare in that decided to make my garden his home; for some reason I’ve seen him quite a few times near my plants, but he hasn’t touched them so far


too larry

Well-Known Member
Looks like grasshoppers to me. Tough keeping them off. Neem will help some, but not stop it. If you are not opposed to using poison, spray the weeds and bushes around your plants with a regular garden insecticide. Do Not Spray Your Plants With


Well-Known Member
Maybe you could use some type of screen to cover over & around the plant..set a couple sticky traps, not on or in the plant... but around it... catch something then maybe you can identify the culprit