questions about an outdoor grow

ok so this is my first private grow as in ive helped with other peoples plants. i started my seeds in the jiffy pro seed starter( peat moss pellets and a humidity dome). 4 of the seeds were picked from higher grade bud but genetics are unknown and the other 4 are just bag seed. the purpose of this grow is to get a little practice in before spending money on specific strains. about a week after they sprouted i moved them into jiffy pots filled with mg organic, this way i can bring them in at night with ease. once they get a little bigger im going to put them into 5 gallon buckets. now this is where i need help, my first question is what should i add to my compost (bought from the local nursery). also i think it would be fun to try and grow them in my large oak tree seeing as it would provide good cover and i would be able to tend to them easier than a gurilla grow. my question with that is will the sun light be to intense 25-30ft off the ground. i imagine i would have to do some additional hardening off.
DUDE you may smokek tooooo much, the suns billions of miles away. you thing 20 feet closer too it is gonna make any difference? lol


Active Member
Hahaha I have the same Jiffy soil im trying out. i think the jiffy soil with added perlite and additional nutes might be a great long term soil.
lol yea scratch the sun question. i was highly "medicated" and not really thinking. as for the soil, like i said im prolly gonna go with the compost with some black cow added. is there anything else i should add?


Well-Known Member
Watch out for that MG soil. If your leaves begin to turn yellow early on you know you have an issue.

Yea I agree that it would be cool to grow in a tree! I tried it years back and I am going to say that 95% of your plants you grow in a tree will be junk in the end.

Work on keeping them alive this year with the basics. I know it is fun to daydream but if you do not learn about a plant you will not grow it succesfully in a tree.
yea ive heard alot of bad rep about mg but i figured it wouldnt hurt to much since it will be put into the compost anyways. there in the little 4x4in jiffy pots right now. im getting ready to put them in the final 5gal buckets. as for learning about the plants, ive tried reading as much as i can mostly marijuana botany by robert connell clarke. but you can only learn so much from just reading. i plan on supplying them with plenty of water and a decent nute schedule. why do you say 95% will be junk?