Questions about Pollenation


Well-Known Member
I have two males and two females. The males have already opened up a couple pollen pods. So I gathered all of the mature looking pollen pods and stored them in a film canister. The Females haven't gone beyond the preflower stage.

My first question is can I let the males go a little longer to harvest a little more pollen then cut them.

My second question has to do with pollenating flowers later on in the season. After the flowers begin to develop can I selectively pollenate a couple flowers on a female with a little paint brush without making the whole plant go to seed.

I'd really like to get a few fresh seeds from the strain I've been growing for the last couple years. I sure wish I knew the strain. I really love it and would like to keep it going.


Active Member
1st get the males out! 2nd yes you can get seed on selected buds. but wait until week 4 of flower. move that brush like a sergon, ya know! let the plant with seed go for 11 weeks or more. you can harvest the other buds, leave the seeded bud-z till last


Well-Known Member
Will the Pre flowers on the females pollenate. If not would it be ok to let the males go a while longer to harvest more pollen. I can move the males twenty yards away from the females.


Well-Known Member
twenty yards won't do anything. the females will still be pollenated, i've heard of males spreading pollen up to a mile. just harvest that canister filled with some pollen, scrap the males and pollenate a select few bud sites of the girls.


Well-Known Member
the pollen that was realesed in the room will stay in the air for up to 2 months so yes the female plants will get polinated plus the pollen can travel up 20 miles+ depending