Well-Known Member
I am not sure if I am against it or for it I am just wondering a few things.
So it says a 25 square feet growing area. So 5x5 that seem small for what maybe 3 plants? with that a medical marijuana patient can still have the 12imm 6mature in a bigger space then 5x5?
Also how much will be coming out of our pocket if it does gets passed... I see it as if it does get passed there will be a lot of business opperunities to take advantage and has potiental to either change things in a drastic way either good or bad it can go both ways maybe its worth the risk. I mean it could start with first california then a couple more states then the country then the world? I expect unimaginable things to come if marijuana became excepted world wide...
So it says a 25 square feet growing area. So 5x5 that seem small for what maybe 3 plants? with that a medical marijuana patient can still have the 12imm 6mature in a bigger space then 5x5?
Also how much will be coming out of our pocket if it does gets passed... I see it as if it does get passed there will be a lot of business opperunities to take advantage and has potiental to either change things in a drastic way either good or bad it can go both ways maybe its worth the risk. I mean it could start with first california then a couple more states then the country then the world? I expect unimaginable things to come if marijuana became excepted world wide...