questions about some changes i was thinking for my room


Well-Known Member
i am an experienced grower going on 7 years now and i recently moved and just finished my new room. rough dimensions are 8x8x6"6". i run 2 1000w phantoms with the 8 bucket waterfarm setup. my questions are 1. My hoods are daystars which many people told me at the time i was buying them that they were the best. i dont know though, i just feel that one of the larger more spread out hoods would desperce the light better? what would u reccomend as the best hood?
my second question is with my new rooms, i have set it up to be a continuous grow. in the past i have always used my main room as my drying room but since i am cobnstantly going to have something running in the main room i wanted to build a drying box or another small room to simply dry in. since i have never built one before i would like some advice as the best design, what i should put in it as far as fans etc.?
Larger more spread out hoods will cover more plants, but direct less light to each one. I believe the hoods that spread the 1000w out will do you better, but if your maxed out and trying to get the most light per sq ft, smaller more directional hoods are better.

You harvest less, more often with a continuous grow so keep that in mind as you will need less space to dry. Fans and a dehumidifier is all I can think of.


Well-Known Member
based on the dimensions of your room i wouldn't worry about your hoods. 1000w lights cover a 5x5 area max. so if you have 2 against the back wall then they are covering more than enough with some overlap. if you were trying to stretch them to cover a 5x5 area then maybe a XL hood would be worth the purchase. I would't worry about it at all though.

as far as the drying room goes i would just buy a cheap tent. since you are doing a continuous grow then at most you're harvesting 1 light every month or so. you really don't need that much room to dry 1 light. you could just put a tent in the front corner of your flower room with a little fan inside of it. humidity will also play a roll; not sure what the numbers are where you live.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the posts i am going to stick with the hoods i have . i think i should have explained my rooms a little better. its not continuous in the normal sense i have the 2- 1000w overtop and 6 individual 4ft T5strips with blue lights in my flower room, and in the veg room i have a 4ft 8 light T5. my plan is to time the schedule so that when the plants in the flower room are ready to be chopped down i already have another round veg. for 4-5 weeks and ready to be put into flower. i have always been able to crop at least 2 plus pounds and hope to maintain that if not more. with that said how big should i make the drybox and will a dehumidifier make the box to hot?


Well-Known Member
You can't dry bud in a humid environment effectively; you'll get mold. So figure out a way to dehumidify the room. If you have grown before then you should know how to dry. You don't need a lot of room, jut vertical space. You can dry 5 pounds in a 2x2x6 space.