Questions on Plant Counts

You sign a piece of worthless paper.
Get over yourself.

Cute... Worthless you say. My patients don't seem to think so, but then again, the point remains that I can and you can' deal with it.

What a silly response so far off the point of the discussion. Get a life beyond the internet nn.

Dr. Bob
Cute... Worthless you say. My patients don't seem to think so, but then again, the point remains that I can and you can' deal with it.

What a silly response so far off the point of the discussion. Get a life beyond the internet nn.

Dr. Bob
Oh Bobby!!
Where to start with this little tid-bit.
Yes you can sign a worthless piece of paper.
Your patients opinion? Really? Any of them held up that piece of paper in front of CPS ? I hav. Worthless in my Experience!! Not belief or opinion.
And no bobby I don't have a life. Most of the people here know the story from my own mouth. Most support what I'm doing like the Brothers and Sisters I wish I had in my childhood.

You never answered my questions about your Cadillac office. Don't u think your patients deserve to know where their confidential records are?

Plant count? Any part of section 4 is open to interpretation by law enforcement.. Worthless
12 is 12.

And to answer this question you keep bringing up (and answering it again for that matter) NO we do not have caregiver information to be seized by the police. All our MEDICAL records are on a military encrypted server located out of state on the cloud. Any seizure of a computer (yes one brand new desktop was taken in an unrelated raid in Cadillac- and RETURNED) does nothing. There are NO patient records on any computer in my practice, they simply act as password protected terminals. When that one was seized, the password was immediately changed remotely to something that had NEVER been typed into the computer and the cloud password was similarly changed. The only way a Denali record would be available to leo would be by court order for a specific patient, like any other medical practice.

This keeps coming up for no reason other than you trying to start a rumor because you prefer another practice and don't like mine. That is your choice. I don't care who you go to. But to try and tell folks, by way of asking questions here, that somehow our practice isn't secure when it clearly is FAR more secure than most because I think about these things ahead of time to protect my patients. I am the largest clinic in N. Michigan for a reason. Because I am safe, follow the law and stand behind my patients- and have NEVER been overturned on any of my certs.

Dr. Bob
This from a guy with multiple accounts used to post things like 'doctor bob sucks ....'.

I prefer to just provide good information without the drama. So let's agree to be adults, ok?

Dr. Bob
If we can't agree on anything then nothing will ever get done. The best move for us as a unified state, is to decriminalize it for everyone 21 and older. Keep the medical law as it was originally written. Allowing us to keep stalks stems leafs ect. without it costing against us. Come on really! How can you grow a plant without a stalk? Messing with the law and trying to interpret it to your liking don't work. Its like the telephone game, you played as a kid. by the time its said and done the law has changed to a confusing conundrum.