quick advice plus rep


Active Member
im 7 weeks into flowering seeems like all my plants are at diffrent stages its only in a closet 5 plants oone of them is triple the size all the other one takes up all the rooom all the night has the most buds it seems like the bud on the top closets to the lights are hard 80 percent hairs im gonna get a magnaifying glass to check the tricomes
some one else told me the way my plants loook in the pic i have 3 to 6 weeks left
i already started giving them straight ph water and carboloader
and leaves are dieing i dont think they will last 3 to 6 weeks i was kinda thinking cut all the tops were the hard buds are start drying and curing it and let the buttom get some light
if u need pics i can add some


Well-Known Member
what strains you got going? Perhaps its a genetic thing as to why there all different looking I would not say weeks at all your looking pretty good prolly about 2 maybe 3 weeks. but check the trich's it may be ready now who knows except you truely when you see those. You can always chop the tops off and let the bottoms grow I do it when I have to if they crowd alot because of growing bushy plants. I really dont see a problem going on


Active Member
what strains you got going? Perhaps its a genetic thing as to why there all different looking I would not say weeks at all your looking pretty good prolly about 2 maybe 3 weeks. but check the trich's it may be ready now who knows except you truely when you see those. You can always chop the tops off and let the bottoms grow I do it when I have to if they crowd alot because of growing bushy plants. I really dont see a problem going on
if i cut them should i start using some nutes again or will they just keep growing with what iv been using i only have 2 t5s and 6 cfls all togather there rated at oonly 24000 lummens


Well-Known Member
sorry for the late reply got off real quick haha. but depends on how far along the trichomes are. Without knowing I would say they will be fine eating up the rest of whatever the soil has. Did you use any mycorhizae at all? off topicI know sorry. I do have to say that I am impressed with your cfl grow you got going there buddy..I honestly thought the colas might of been a low watt hps looks really good:) Congrats plus rep for the good grow:D Keep me updated on these babies ill help ya out


Active Member
im actually not using soil tho and i change the resivoir 2 times by now i thought iwas going to be done by now i wanted to try the 3 days dark at the end of the flowering period

i built my self 6 plant aeroponics system with 5 roating sprinklers in side with a 1.5 inch over flow in the bottom befor it drains back in to the resevoir with onlly one large air stone tho

im not sure what strian it is i wish i knew i got a few more seeds of it im not sure if there all the same i think there is atleast 2 diffrent kinds there

thanks for the rep:bigjoint:


Active Member
here are some pics so u can see my set up bro

i think im going to try a little bit bigger one next time and change it up a diffrent kinda aeropoincs system this one seemed to leak on my floor alot and hard to re- fill and clean

