Quick, Cheap yet Organic


Active Member
Hey everybody,
I have a little grow starting and I want to make it organic. I'm totally broke however so I'm looking for a good cheap organic fertilizer. Any advice would be appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Hey everybody,
I have a little grow starting and I want to make it organic. I'm totally broke however so I'm looking for a good cheap organic fertilizer. Any advice would be appreciated.

Go fishing in pond catch fish and keep, on the way out get cow poo and your growing good and cheap.


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody,
I have a little grow starting and I want to make it organic. I'm totally broke however so I'm looking for a good cheap organic fertilizer. Any advice would be appreciated.

i use coffee grounds on top of my soil and water through them during veg growth for some good nitrogen. then during flowering i make a tea out of water, molasses, and ashed citrus and banana peel. id recommend going to a used book store or something and getting The Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening. that book has SOOOOOO much useful info for growing an organic crop. it has tons of good info on growing your veggie garden also, so you can cure those muchies with some nice organic produce from your back yard!


Well-Known Member
Some think it's odd, but during vegetation period your urine diluted with water 10:1(water:urine) is an excellent nitrogen source... and technically a complete fertilizer(some growers had used it exclusively). It's claimed, if over-used, it can prolong vegetative period and inhibit flowering. You don't need to use urine every time you water. Don't piss ON your plant!!! Mix and apply to roots/soil only.


Well-Known Member
i use coffee grounds on top of my soil and water through them during veg growth for some good nitrogen.
Coffee grounds are way to hot to water directly into your plants. You need to compost them first. I'm curious, though, how are your results with just watering them in?


Well-Known Member
Coffee grounds are way to hot to water directly into your plants. You need to compost them first. I'm curious, though, how are your results with just watering them in?
so far so good. and your right, you really should compost coffee grounds before you use them. but i was on a time crunch and i didnt have enough time for that, so i just use them sparingly and dont put them too close to the base of my plant. the only problem that i'v encountered is that they kind of crust up and repel water if you put them on too thick.


Active Member
Awesome! Thanks for all the advice. I think I will pass on the urine this time but that does sound like a pretty dank solution to waste water management. Has anybody ever tried fertilizing with a composting toilet? That would be some killer symbiosis.


Well-Known Member
Awesome! Thanks for all the advice. I think I will pass on the urine this time but that does sound like a pretty dank solution to waste water management. Has anybody ever tried fertilizing with a composting toilet? That would be some killer symbiosis.
if you wanna try composting your own waste then you should check out this book called The Humanure Handbook. i cant remember who its by of the top of my head, but its got tons and tons of good info on how to safely use your waste as compost. they also have a really good section on composting toilets in this book called Cloudburst 1&2. might be worth a trip to the library if thats the kind of think that you're into.


Well-Known Member
i was growin plants and they died so i took the soil and put it ina jar and i added egg shells, ripped up egg carton, cucumber peels, lettus, and i emptyed a tea bag into it... im just messing around wit growin not takin it to seriously but does any one have anyy tips for us poor ol noobs

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
i read to lay down a layer of soil a few inchs deep. then throw in eggshells coffee grounds and tea and let it go. then through in more dirt a few inchs and keep going. turn it ecery once in a while. I use a 5 gallon buvlett in my apt. I just started yesterday.:)


Well-Known Member
The easiest thing to start with is fish emulsion,please remember,feed the soil not the plant.