Quick Drying Techniques


Active Member
Greetings all, running super low on flowers prior to harvest time and I was wondering if anyone here has a favored "quick drying" technique and some thoughts on your experiences. Running low from last year's supply and going away next weekend, basically just trying to snip off a few branches early (going on 7 weeks 12-12) so I don't have to buy any smoke before that happens.


Well-Known Member
I quick dry in brown paper bags in a two hundred degree oven with the door cracked open a little, takes usually 30-45 minutes, it works best if you can let the flowers dry for a day or two first

Rolla J

Well-Known Member
Instead of messing with your crops yeild early might as well go and buy some green to get you by. Or ya can just not smoke for a week or so get your tolerance down and get hella baked off your brand new supply. Idk your background or any of that but im just tryna help a lil and is someyhing id probably do. but a real grower will wait for his/hers crop to finish. Way i see it. If you can wait 3 months for your plant to grow you can wait a week or so for it to finish and have the best smoke possible.


Active Member
appreciate the concern guys, i had to take about a year off and running out of reserves, not so concerned about yield because i dont sell- all personal and gifts. the majority of the crop will be given ample time to finish and cure.