Quick question for issue in flowering.


Active Member
Hello all,

I just want to make a quick question. I'm growing in hydro. I don't have many grows under my belt but i'm having good results anyway. There is a problem though which is hunting me in every grow and happens every time after (more or less) the 4th week into flower...

I have a combo EC/PH/Temp meter for constant monitoring and i'm feeding based what i see. For example if i see my EC going down that means my plants need more nuts so i add a little bit more into the mix etc.

When i enter the 4th week in flower my EC starts to increase little by little.. That means i have to lower the amount of nuts i give to my plants. Even if i'm at 1.2 or 1.6 EC the same thing will happen. I use flora series 1 part of Micro and 2 parts of Bloom (same like Lucas method). My plants and roots are very happy, temp/humidity too and i don't have any deficiencies either.. but i can't understand why my EC is keeps rising at that point i.e. from 1.08 to 1.16 in a day (definitely not cause of heat-water evaporation). Isn't suppose to increase the EC every week? The plants don't need more as they grow? I'm very confused..

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
Seems like after the stretch they stop eating as much. Maybe its because they need more pk and less n. Try dropping back on the micro a bit and top off with water instead of more nutrients.


Active Member
That's what i thought too.. These days i top up only with pure water and 1/3 of bloom only.. Today it's a water change so i'll up the bloom and will lower the micro a little bit and see what will happen.. Doomboy thank you very much for taking the time to response!


Well-Known Member
No problem... my first grow was DWC with the Flora Series. I would have to swap buckets once a week. Literally pick the plant up... roots and all and put into a new bucket. I would mix up a bucket of nutrients using their chart but only 60% strength and thats all it got for the week. I would just check the ph daily and correct it if necessary and top off with fresh water. Towards the middle of flower I would use a lil more bloom. Never had any deficiency problems.