quick question on these 2 plants


Active Member
Hey guys im trying a different strain here which seems to be indica dominate. Im starting them indoors and wondering what the yellow spots are on them ? my guess was the light is too close but im not possitive any help would be good thanks a bunch.



Well-Known Member
Run em" dude! They look fine and definetly indica. Careful spraying them then, putting them under a powerful light. I personally never spray my ladies unless doing bug maintainance.


Active Member
kool thanks guys ill try to remember not to spray them ill just hit the soil next time and as for the spots there like tiny round dots. thanks for all the feed back guys


Well-Known Member
They will probably need to be transplanted in a week or so. Are you running them indoors or out?


Are you spraying anything on the leaves?

the little spots look like foliage feeding burns when you blow up the pic but thats just a wild guess


Active Member
i was giving them a headstart indoors, because last years was ready early october and had mold issues where i am this one is indica dominate so i think it will handle it better. as for transplanting im thinking within 5 days.


Active Member
not gonna spray them anymore man and as for a light i have a ufo light which seems to do well for the amount i payed for it :)


Well-Known Member
looks healthy green to me. what soil are you using? if rusty spots, can be mag deficiency. what light? if some very intensive water drops may act as a magnyfying glass and burn those spots.


Well-Known Member
are you talking about the yellow in the new growth ? the middle top I see that all the time it will go away once the plants gets caught up. they grow fast as hell , so you see that, just keep doing what you do and watch the green money grow,


Active Member
its a ufo light and they actually look alot better within 48 hours im thinking to transplant on monday and as for the soil it was miracal grow potting soil