Quick question...or not...


I have an SLH plant that is in her 8th day of flower (veg'd 60 days). I started LST early and have gotten fantastic results with it thus far, I have a nice even canopy and a good 25+ bud sites sharing the 400w HPS light 12 hours a day. First day of flower i tried the ScrOG technique, but quickly removed the screen after feeling as if i was really stressing my beautiful little girl more than i should be. So after a couple days of reading MORE...i decided to try ScrOG again...and AGAIN i removed the screen because i just felt like it was doing more harm than good (im sure thats not necessarily the case).
So now im in day 8 of flower and i have continued to LST the plant gently to help keep the canopy "even"...my question...by constantly using the LST technique to attain an even canopy am i stunting the plants growth every time i tie tops back down ? Which in my eyes is the same thing as supercropping except im not crushing the plant stem. I feel like i should just let it grow from here on out, but not everything grows evenly on its own. So should i keep up with my LST until i see upward growth slow down? Am i pretty much just using the ScrOG technique without a screen? I feel like i picked up the LST technique quickly and feel im good at it. I cant argue with the results thus far compared to my last grow (man oh man...i made EVERY rookie mistake...all of em). So id like to keep up with my LST if its not hurting anything. But of course i also want to maximize my yield...so what should i do?


Well-Known Member
Keep your LST light now that you are in flower and get ready to just let it go. Once in stretch there is not much you can do. I wouldn't do SCROG at this point. SLH is not a strain you want to stress too much in flower as there high report of hermies.


Active Member
Usually you lst during veg to spread out the canopy, then let them go after a week or two into flower. Also lst is different then supercropping due to that when you s.c. your actually stopping/slowing growth above that point, where lst growth never stops, just growing in a different direction.


Ahhh...ok...i thought that if i took say the highest point of the plant and bent it back down below canopy level that i was doing the same thing as supercropping. Because the plant would think it had no top (because i just lst'd it down). But if thats not the case...and im not halting upward growth by doing LST...then im not hurting her. And that makes me feel better! Thanks 420!


Well-Known Member
When you supercrop by injurying the stem you are sending hormones to different parts of the plant which tell it there is no top left, simple answer. Just tying the branches down and bringing the canopy even only makes the plant restretch to reach the light and grow against gravity. There is no noticeable slow down in growth, but encoureages the lateral growth on branches to reach for the light also. It just gives the plant a slightly different growth pattern and allows more light into the inner area of the plant. How this helps.