Quick question regarding my screwup


Active Member
I was trying to LST my plants and one of the branches snapped, maybe 1/4 - 1/2 way. I tied it back up to the main stem with twist ties and its holding there pretty well. Will it heal or will this branch eventually rot and fall off? Any advice on what I can do to save the branch would be greatly appreciated


Well-Known Member
It's a 50/50 deal. Some make it some don't. Good luck. And just watch it if it looks like it's not healing in 3 days turn it into a clone. Oh if you have a cloning solution place it around the break this will help.


Well-Known Member
i tried that with some rooting powder and what it did was crazy!, the branch that snapped became the biggest cola, also where i mended it, it swelled to like 3 times the original size like it was on steroids (which basically it is lol)


Active Member
It seems like everything is ok now. No leaves have even fallen off or anything like that. Thanks to everyone for your help