Quick question


Active Member
Someone on another forum has been getting under my skin lately. I want to get some revenge so I plan on using the wireless internet of someone else in my building to create a new account and send him some gay porn through pm. Will I get caught since I'm using someone else's internet won't the ip be different than mine? If I get caught can I get in legal trouble?


Well-Known Member
Theoretically you could maybe get in legal trouble, but who's gonna prosecute?

and yes, you should have a different ip.

go for it.


Active Member
your plan has an obvious flaw; you have to get the fuckin gay porn man. so ur seein what hes gonna see. ur punishing urself. maybe even more so sense you have to search for it and stuff. what if someone uses ur comp and searches yahoo for garage storage and gay porn comes up in the suggestion box. bam, they think ur gay. just poo in a ups box and put it on his door step


Active Member
lol thats tru captE. This guy takes everything so seriously it would just be funny. Yes I'm 18 plus I'm just pranking this guy. I dont know I might not do it. well see.


Well-Known Member
Dude, let it go. You are taking poison to make someone else sick.

Plus, we live in the Age of Overreaction now, EVERYBODY is being 'made an example' and I wuddn't risk it over sumptin stoopid. Be the better man.


Well-Known Member
Someone on another forum has been getting under my skin lately. I want to get some revenge so I plan on using the wireless internet of someone else in my building to create a new account and send him some gay porn through pm. Will I get caught since I'm using someone else's internet won't the ip be different than mine? If I get caught can I get in legal trouble?
Yes, you can do this without being caught...My question is why?
If someone is 'getting to you' then so be it...speak your mind and defend yourself, but, sending gay porno? Not feeling it.........and who knows, they may like it!! So then you would of wasted all your time just to hook someone up with some porn. :hump: