Quick questions on nutrients and H202...


Active Member
I've read many posts and guides saying that using a little horticultural grade h202 in the reservoir is a good idea. Yet on the canna nute label it says not to use with h202. so is it correct to use it or not? and if so what's a good ratio and do i use it every time i "top off" the reservoir?



Well-Known Member
Answered a billion times on here...here it goes again.......H202 only works with inorganic nutes.... I use 1.5ml/gal. If your using ANY organic nutes DO NOT use H202.


Active Member
I ended up reading a bit more after searching if Canna was organic or not, and I found out how I got confused. Aqua Flores A&B, Boost, Rhizotonic, Boost, and PK 13/14 are inorganic and the Cannazym is organic. I knew one of the labels said not to use with H202, yet I was sure I had seen peole on here claim to use it with Canna nutes. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!