Quick simple question. Purple punch day 58. Time to harvest?

I know you guys get this all the time. This is my first plant I have grown in long time. Its a Purple Punch with a flowering time of 49-56 days from Dark Heart. Shes on her 58th day. Mostly cloudy triches with some amber like 10%. I will be harvesting her tomorrow. Please let me know how I did or if I should wait a bit! Thanks.


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Active Member
Thanks! And sure I'm just debating whether to dry trim or wet trim. Probably going to do 50/50 and just take off all the leaves with no trichomes! This one sure flowered quick! Happy growing everybody!
Good to compare! I take all large leaves of and then dry, then trim the buds to cure. I also then cure the trim to make hash from, I call it trimmers bonus! I make two types of hash with one being the best (between 160 and 73 micron) which is nice a squidgy. Then the second (between 73 and 25 micron) which I add to my Kief and make a hard slate... ;) enjoy buddy!


Active Member
No worries buddy! Let me say the excitement never stops! Sounds like you're all set and ready to roll! Enjoy and hopefully you'll get some scissor hash tonight you can sample a taste of what's to come! :weed: :bigjoint: