Quickest grow time from seed to bud


Well-Known Member
I watched the "I grow cronic" video and think it's a little misleading. The first impression is that you can grow 4 OZ of bud in 2 months but those numbers are surely off. I watched it again last night and from my calculations his "possible" shortest time would be 5 1/2 months till bud. After that everything is on a 2 to 3 month rotation. But what was your quickest time from seed to bud? I wanted to toss up a poll but I don't think I can as I dont see any sections for me to place the time frame questions in. So here goes

#1) 1 to 2 months
#2) 3 to 5 months
#3) 6 to 9 months
#4) 10 to 12 months
#5) Over 1 year


Well-Known Member
He was rotating clones from his Veg room, to his Flowering room. Clones that were Veged for 2 months. So he gets 4oz every 2 months.


New Member
I have seen that video aswell. It is a little misleading, He does harvest every 2 months but from seed to first harvest is a much longer time for the first run. So long as you flower small clones i can see doing it in 5-5.5 months But if your going for big gals 6-7 months before your first harvest.

I totally uderstand what your saying, even if it seems nobody else does.

Good Luck