quit smoking...


Well-Known Member
so i just stop smokin cigs and everytime i get out of the shower i can still smell that ash tray smell on my hands... anyone else go through this, and i am going cold turkey but everything has been ok so far, anyone know how long it really takes to kick it?


Well-Known Member
I hear three days is the hump, but 3 weeks beats the habit. From what my mo tells me you always will have that, 'mmm, I'd like a ciggy right about now', but it comes less and less as you continue to abstain.


Well-Known Member
alright i can manage that, i just really liked smokin a bowl then going out to have a cig.. but id rather not die of lung cancer so quitting is the best idea, and i figured if my friends and i smoke a pack about every 2 days then like in 8 days we could buy a g.. so more money for weed!! whoop!


Well-Known Member
yea its a tough thing for some....me, I smoked on and off for a long time sometimes pretty heavy (prolly 30+ years)...but also even quit for eight years once then started on and off again. I finally quit when I made a written pact with my young daughter - her birthday present that year. she signed I signed and that was that. And for the first time, I don't have that hankering for a cig...


Well-Known Member
ya, my fav cigs were reds, so tasty! lol but ya its a habit that gets expensive and almost just not worth it if you really think about it


Well-Known Member
The way to quit smoking is to never smoke another cigarette. I smoked three packs a day and decided to not smoke. If I ever smoke another one I start up again. Never again. Tell yourself, "I will never smoke again" and follow your own advice.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I have tried to quit several times. I did manage to quit before I got pregnant. But started back again after I had her. I would say 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months are the hardest. Once you get past those, It is easier. I am going to quite cold turkey again really soon. But I say that to myself all the time. :confused:
Good luck, stick to it. You really have to want to quit to make it work too. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
I actually just quit a few months ago, I'm extremely happy I did

First of all, you have to be READY to quit before you actually will. If you aren't 100% committed to your decision, you don't need to try

It was really easy in my case. I simply didn't want to smoke anymore. The first 2 days were hard, but every HOUR I didn't smoke I felt better about myself and my decision

I never looked back, I've never smoked since

Good luck to you


Well-Known Member
i wanna quit but my dr. keeps telling me i'm healthy. he says smoking's not good but i am in perfect health.


Well-Known Member
yea man I dont believe its really all that addictive, I used to smoke 3 packs a day than wuite for 2 years, than started again for unknown reasons, I'm going to quite in a year... or maybe 3... hmmm.
the hard part at least for me is getting over the impulse to reach for the pack. after smoking a bowl I just go woa ciggerette. and not having that cigerette after smoking was the hard part for me...


Well-Known Member
Ive been off cigarettes for quite a while now... probably 15 years or more. Sometimes Im driving down the street, and I can smell the tobacco smoke coming from the car in front of me. Sometimes, just sometimes, I think damn, that smells good, I could use a cigarette. But I dont obsess on it, and let the craving pass.

You really just have to be comitted to not smoking in the present. Forget about tomorrow or a week from now, or a month from now. That makes it very difficult. When cravings present themselves, and they may well do that, just remind yourself of the reasons you're quitting. Find a positive way to distract yourself. Get thru that moment of craving, and when the craving is over, as it certainly will be, you're still a non-smoker.

Above all, if you find yourself with a lit cigarette in your mouth, smoked halfway down to the filter, before you realize what your'e doing, don't use that as an excuse to go back to it. You''re still quitting. You just had a moment's weakness. Few things worth doing happen quickly and easily. Quitting is a process. Easy for some, difficult for others but doable for anybodyd who truly chooses to do it.

When I was quitting smoking I had to quit drinking. I swear I'd be having a few drinks in a bar, and all of a sudden, I''e realize that I was smoking a cigarette. It was like somebody hit me over the head, knocked me out, lit a smoke, put it in my hand, and had me smoke it. Alcohol acts on the part of your brain that keeps you from doing things you wouldn't normally. I''m guessing you're familiar with that concept.

Anyhow, best of luck to you. You can do it!


Well-Known Member
to me cigerettes take the back seat to bud!and i dont think i can ever stop either,even thou i know i should,hahaha


Well-Known Member
I quit when i was 18... Lost its appeal when it became legal to kill myself... =P

JK... Really i quit cuz i got tired of feeling DIRTY inside my body...

I took my last pack and when i wanted a cig i pulled one out but did not light it... I just kinda put it in my mouth and played with it to fix the oral and hand fixations... Then i threw it away when i got bored of it... Did that for the remainder of my last pack...

Then i moved on to tooth picks and gum to help break the mental fixations... Like having something in my mouth and in my hands... I never felt any physical withdrawals... It was all that mental fixation that helped me over the hump...

Quitting is all about will... If you find yourself saying... Man i NEED to quit... Well you will never make it because you still WANT (will) to smoke... When you can break the WILL to smoke and you can say... I really WANT to quit... I WILL really quit... Then you have beat the game at its core... YOUR MIND... =]

I despise cigarets now and couldn't smoke again if i wanted to... I bought a pack once and tried to start again for the hell of it... I wanted to puke and thought... Why the HELL did i ever do this krap... Needless to say i had to throw the pack away... =]

Yay my lungs and life win... =]


Well-Known Member
I dont even know why I smoke cigerettes... I dont even like them :(
Woa FDD you sliced that guy up reall good.


New Member
I want to stop aswell ( german accent :P )

lol, really I do want to stop... but its very hard for me... Take a beer and theres no ciggis ? just no a beer for me anymore... How can i stop !

and GZ on stoping man :D


Well-Known Member
yeah I need to quit too, we have a baby on the way so I don't want to expose him/her to the badness. Don't know how I can have beers without cigarettes :(


Well-Known Member
i quit cigs a little better than 2 years ago.
the first few weeks were hell, then the next were a little better, bla bla, now i simply call myself a nonsmoker( not i quit xx days ago), a nonsmoker.

listerine pocket packs !! these things are great

i smoked nonmenthols when i smoked, but a "green" listerine strip made my smoke taste like a menthol, yuk.

they also add a menthol thing to a joint too, so dont pop it til after youve smoked, but before you reach for a cig.

btw if you smoke menthol they make cinamin and blue, but it does help keep your hands busy and gives you great breath too(for a change) .