Quite the delima...hmm

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
So one plant has been transplanted into the soda bottle, didnt do both cause of the risk of killing them both in the process haha


Well-Known Member
The "guy" should also give some thought to how he's going to control the odour if he wants to keep the whole thing stealthy.

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
Alright, the Y adapter is there but no light yet. Soon soon. There doing better though much better since the lights been moved closer....

Just gunna ask again since it didn't get answered last time. The steam of one plant is a redish brown color. What does this mean? Is this bad or could it just be a certain strains trait?


Well-Known Member
Alright, the Y adapter is there but no light yet. Soon soon. There doing better though much better since the lights been moved closer....

Just gunna ask again since it didn't get answered last time. The steam of one plant is a redish brown color. What does this mean? Is this bad or could it just be a certain strains trait?

Probably strain. Some say nute diff. My Momma has those read/brown stems too, and is doing killer.

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
Okay, so this is the strongest of the three. As someone has previously said it looks stretched, in fear of it being weak when its older would it be a good idea to take some dirt and put it in there making less stem visible. Or does this like ruin some process or something?


skippy pb

Well-Known Member
So the plants are much bigger, but ive noticed the leaves curling and got some better pictures of them. Also theres a little yellow at the ends of some leaves, from my reading this means there are getting too many nutrients but just a little yellow isn't bad at all. is this correct?

Also how are they doing for about 15 days?



Well-Known Member
Awesome, doing alot better then mine, mine got root bound. in like a week, im on week 3 now, and about half that size. But theyll catch up cause u put in different pots.

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
Just noticed something else on the plant, because i was curious to why the plants only have 3 leaves cause like all weed leaf pictures ive seen they have like 7 or something. So when i was looking i noticed little leaf things near the stem, im wondering if this could be the stuff that determines the sex of the plant.


Well-Known Member
They could be. They also could just be new leaves coming, At first u will have 3- then 5- then 7- then 9.


Well-Known Member
They could be. They also could just be new leaves coming, At first u will have 3- then 5- then 7- then 9.
Correct! I've noticed that my plants started with 1- 3- 5- 7- 9- 9- 9- ... and so on. It's pretty awesome watching them grow!


Well-Known Member
those little leaf things are new growths. and for your curling leaves my guess would be temp. how warm is it in that closet? have you any ventilation? as for sexing them this early its nigh impossible. females tend to be shorter and bushier. males more lanky. and your yellow is probably nute burn from the MG soil. its kinda tough on babies. you may wanna consider flowering them soon as well. you seem pretty set on figuring out the sex and flowering will surely bring it out. and if your limited on space you need to keep em small. they will at least double in size flowering.


skippy pb

Well-Known Member
i would think they were leaves, but there not like were leaves would form, there like on the stem.

I will now refer to the plant as mine just to make the writing easier and more understandable.

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
Yeah, the new leaf formations will come from the top and the sides, and good job on the plants so far.
Thank you very much. As for the temp thats probably the problem. I keep it completely closed 99% of the time, because if its open light leaks out. Ill try to keep it open tomorrow for ventilation. And ill through a fan in there for ventilation.

Im only growing with 1 cfl that gives off 2050 lumens/30 watts. I have 4 more and a Y splitter but i need like an adapter that extends the input part cause the y doesn't fit,haha. so this whole time ive been growing with one cfl saying im gunna and the 3 more.

As for the space, I have a bit more on the edges. Height wise I have tons more its not even half way up. Will the plant grow out a lot during flowering? What recommendations do you guys have?
Oh and how long into flowering do you have to be to determine the sex?

Oh and also how much bud do you guys think id get if I flowered now?

p.s.- sorry for all the question i'm just a little excited its the first grow.


Well-Known Member
Hey Skippy

Great to see all is going well - the plants are looking good.

You should try and get your ventilation properly sorted now rather than leaving it too late and if you don't already have a thermometer, I'd strongly advise buying one as they're really cheap and that way you can see when temps are getting dangerous. An extended period of excessive heat could kill your plants or set them back a lot, particularly if they're not getting much fresh air. If you only have a small space, the more they grow and bush out, the warmer it will become at the plant's level and you might find in a week or two they start getting a bit smellier which will make it harder to just open the door for ventilation. In the meantime, you could try opening doors a bit wider and hanging a large black towel over the gap. This will reduce the light leaking out a lot but will still allow air to flow. If you combine this with a fan, especially if you position it at the level of the light, pointing outwards so it's sucking the hot air out and blowing it through the towel, this might help for a while. If you just put a fan in there and close the door, the longer it stays closed, the less effective the fan will be as eventually it will just be circulating the heated air. If you have a lot of vertical space, making a hole at the top of grow area and tilting the the fan to blow upwards might be more effective than just having it blow on the plants itself. I'm not sure what kind of light cycle you're on, but you might find that having lights on at the coolest part of day (usually around the early AM) and off at the hottest might also help a bit. Even having a window open in the room your grow area is in might help to keep things a bit cooler.

Because your plants are still quite immature, if you flower them now you'll probably have to wait a bit longer to determine sex than if you'd let them mature a bit. It would probably pay to let them grow at least one more proper node before flowering.

Within the next couple of weeks you'll likely notice more outward growth as well as upward and the biggest leaves tend to be on the outside which could be a problem if you don't have too much horizontal space. The width will almost definitely exceed the soda bottle within the next couple of weeks. If space really becomes an issue, it might pay when starting flowering, if you can afford to keep your lights on 24hrs, to flower them in cycles so that while 2 plants are in the dark for 12 hrs the other is in the light and switch them over every 12 hrs and that way they wouldn't be so pressed for space. The dark area could just be a big cardboard box or cupboard etc, as with no lights, heat will not be such an issue. This will be kind of a hassle as you'd need to make sure you were always there twice a day for the changeover but if you could manage this for a couple of weeks, at least you'd be able to sex them.

The stem will thicken and strengthen a lot as time goes on but if you did want to bury it when repotting this would be fine as long as you don't go deeper than the first set of leaves.