

Well-Known Member
I am so with you. I was so delighted to see that you laughed at that taco bending because yes it is kinda funny because it pokes fun at the sterotype Mexican.

I listen to Black guys tell jokes about how poor their family was and how fun life was, their funny to hear. sterotype Black man

Or the ones about scratching the dot on the idians forhead.

I listen to Jeff Fox Worthy (Putting down my race) and laugh my ass off.

When we all see each other as equals then that is when we unite as equals.

I was raised extremely racist and didnt realize the wrong in it until I became a man and felt the love and warmth of the Mexican and Asian families that my career took me in to. Love everyone because were all trying to survive.

Last quote and im done (theres niggers in ever race.) someone told me this and it sounded offensive at first. It sunk in and I realized that that word just meant the skum of the earth, someone of any race or skin color that doesnt give a crap about each other. Sorry to post way off the subject but it kinda fit
Right now my man right on

Green Inferno

Active Member

Yeah, I feel for you losing your Dad, man. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

But honestly, try growing up in 1980s Australia, being the only Italian-Australian in primary school, and sporting the most fucked up Italian name the world has ever known. That, my friend, was a recipe for some primo racist taunts. Other Italians with anglo first names never copped any shit. I was the tokan "wog". The king "greaseball". I can't say it made me depressed or anything. If someone called me a wog, I'd call em a dumb "skip" (a denigrating term for anglosaxon Aussies), or dirty stinking slav, or chink, or mick, or boong or whatever they were. You just cop that in school and then you cop it at work in later life. You have to have a thick skin about these things. It's just words after all. If someone calls me a greasy wog these days I just laugh at them. It's funny, more than anything. You can always reply with a mumma joke! :-) Unless they're organising lynchmobs or firing up gas-chambers I don't see the point in reporting it. The more you kick up a fuss the more people will give it to ya.

So, as we say in Australia (in the nicest possible way), grow some balls and harden the fuck up, mate! :-)
Try growing up in 1970s and 1980s Veracruz.
I did. Wanna see my balls?

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
Would you tease me about about my 24" arms? yeah I'm fat whatever. I still bench press 500 LBS +.
i now plenty of people the bench 300 and non of them are fat
you telling me that you can bench more then you weight and you're fat ..LOLOL
no i know i got to smokone

Green Inferno

Active Member
i now plenty of people the bench 300 and non of them are fat
you telling me that you can bench more then you weight and you're fat ..LOLOL
no i know i got to smokone
I am pretty fat. I weigh 313LBS. I have been lifting weights since I was 12. I am 34 now.
I can lift well over my own weight.


Active Member
Wanna see my balls?
Maybe, if you can find them. ;-)

So you should know what I'm talking about then. Everyone has to take shit from someone in their life; even the star fucking quarterback with the hot cheerleader girlfriend. Noone gets out of life unscathed.

Laugh it off, roll a monster dooby, punch it down, crack an imported beer and chill the fuck out! Think I might do the same right now! :-)


Active Member
That picture reminds me of the CPS office after I took my nephews into my home from my crack head sister. I had those boys taken away after 2 sucessful years in our home. CPS asked me if I smoked marijuana, I told them I was prescribed, well they turned me into the areas biggest pot dealer. I came from a 10 year career in federal security inforcement. They came up behind us while we were building our lives and smashed us in the back of the head. My own four children were never removed, sound funny? It was a political thing, those "TROLLS" are all the old hags from the witch hunt days.

QUOTE=ChubbySoap;5619000]View attachment 1559440

that's about all there is...[/QUOTE]


Active Member
fuck ignorant bitches like that iam a white boy and i grew up in the hood and i have friends of all ethnicitys but of course your going to run into some people that are just ignorant ive seen ignorance in all forms towards me in my life so far and iam only 20 so ya you just gotta knock the dust off your shoulder and tell yourself "mmmmmmmmmmhhhh they probly where droped on their head when they where born so its not there fualt" lol