Radiant vs Actual Temperature


I have an interesting question, the answer could have serious ramifications to the quality of my grow!

I have a 4x4x6 " tent. I just switched to flowering about 4 days ago. One thing that I noticed is that when I switched the bulb to 1000W HPS from 1000W MH, the temperature can raise up to ten degrees higher! I had it easily under control with my MH, because I have a 6" air cooled tube hooked up to a 6" fan, with a 4" inline booster fan (reduced) to re-enforce the sucker. Still, I see the temperature sky-rocketing up to 90 degrees ifI have the light too close. I am wondeirng whether or not this is the real temperature though. I have a remote probe on a tiny little wire that I lay over top of the canopy that shows me the temperature from the outside of the tent.

I understand that radial temperature is different than actual temperature. I have heard it said on here that if you can put your hand under the light and it you don't feel any level of discomfort, your plants will probably be OK. Is this true? I have two oscillating fans in there as well. I really want to lower my hood again to maximize the surface area my light is hitting.

Edit: The general temperature inside the tent is about 75 degrees, but under the light it says it can be up to 90. This is where I am wondering if the air cooled tube is truly allowing the temperature to get to 90, or if it's the same as throwing a digital thermometer into the sun and it saying that it's 160 degrees outside (when really it's just because it's cooking the plastic, while the temperature really might only be 80).
bump - if my remote probe is exposed directly to the light and it says it's 90 degrees, is it truly 90 degrees, or is it just a result of the plastic getting hotter because it's exposed directly to the light's radiant heat?


Active Member
The reason is your HPS puts off more red/infrared spectrum.

I have an ambient sensor and also take a thermal infrared gun and take readings from the buds closest to the light.