Ran into a deficiency what do yal think it is


Well-Known Member
i would supplement with 1 gram per gallon in the future then. i use GH and i generally need to add extra Mg too.


Ok il try to foliar once the lights go out tonight. I'm doing a res change on Wednesday il add a lil cal mag to the mix


Well-Known Member
no, when you mix up a batch of your nutes, start adding 1 gram per gallon of Epsom. that shold be enough to stop the Mg deficiency.


Well-Known Member
I'm not convinced that any yellowing is Mg def. Foliar of any nutrient on this plant usually results in leaf tissue death. Foliar at your own risk. 1gm of epsom per gallon sounds like a lot of epsom. But then I'm not sure how that relates to teaspoon. It's interesting that rykymtnman says to add epsom for mg when AN doesn't recommend adding any. You need to be sure it's mg def before you hit it with a bunch of epsom. Usually in my experience, Mg def starts to show are small golden yellow spotting which gets worse. I don't see that in the pics, but maybe I'm missing something. I would probably consider just raising the ppm to 750 and see what happens, with plan to get to 900-1000. I've heard of 1100ppm being successful but never tried that.


Well-Known Member
This plant seems unusually sensitive to foliar spraying, not to mention that whatever is sprayed on will be consumed, usually by smoking. Not good. Go ahead and foliar if the grower feels they must, but make it a light load, well diluted in water. In my opinion, it is best not to foliar as it shouldn't be necessary.


It's really not that big of a deal if it dies. It's my first dwc I expected to lose 1 or 2 on this one. But I am wanting to learn and get better at hydroponic so I'm looking for the best advice a going with it trying to get my exp with each grow next run I will be doing autos this one is jst kinda a practice with some seeds I had left over from a soil grow I did a yr ago


Well-Known Member
Now that you put up that pic, it does resemble Mg def. My opinion of foliar feeding hasn't changed, but try it if you want. Personally, I would put a small amount in the water and see what happens. You're right, it's not a big deal if it dies and it's a learning experience. Good to see you're trying dwc as if you get it right, this method kicks butt over soil. The reason why I'm against foliar is because it's hard to tell how much to use and the leaves won't take it up selectively; once it's on the leaves the open stomata allow the salt to pass right to the leaves. You don't really know if you're using the right amount or is it overdose. I've seen people spray stuff on leaves and kill the plant by doing so. But foliar if you want. It might teach us all something.


Ok so everyone agrees now that it is mg deficiency lol I think I'm gonna try the foliar spray tonight once the lights go out jst for the fact AN reccomend not adding cal mg


And I wanted to thank everyone for their opinions and suggestions that's why I joined this site was for everyone's input and to further my knowledge. Jst from this one little problem I have learned so much about the ups and downs of foliar feeding and after tonight I will have my own opinion on the situation lol. Jst letting yal know I appreciate yal


Well-Known Member
I didn't agree that it's Mg def. I said that in your most recent pic, the leaves resemble what Mg tends to look like. That's not the same thing as agreeing that's what it is. Frankly, I don't know what it is. If you add epsom, even by foliar, and the problem disappears, then I'll agree that it's Mg. I don't know what is causing that yellowing. It might be something else, especially since AN says not to use additional calmag. But it really is a learning experience. I'm as curious to the outcome of Mg foliar feed as anyone else. Give it a try and we'll see what happens. I'm wondering if your ppm is too low and that's why you see yellowing, but even then that doesn't mean it's Mg. I really don't know what it is. I wish you the best of luck in your foliar application. Just make sure you come back and post because everyone would like to see ol' polishpollack eat crow for an entire week. :spew:
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