Random Jabber Jibber thread

That is nuts. Just most of my pre teens and a few of the teens in the woods in the middle of no where. Surrounded by people beyond intelligent. Yet unable to really socialize or interact as a result. Then I got thrown into a yuppie elite high school. Was a smoker, toker and partier. And no money compared to the other kids. I sold drugs, partied and seriously beat people up. Both deserved and just wrong. Got a name. I had people coming to find me from other schools. But I became a menace to society for retaliating against entitled peoles attacks on my poor self and family. Emancipated at 15. Mom tossed me out. Cause her boyfriend was scared of me. No other issue. Lived outdoors for about a year then.

We both got the shaft. But I am happy for mine now. Besides a few of my mistakes. We can and will survive. Elitist won't when it comes and money is Charmin thing.