RAPID death of leaves...with pics...PLEASE HELP!


Active Member
After a couple days of light drizzling rain my plants on the balcony took off. All 8 are Stitches 'Super Autos'

All, that is, except one.

Unlike all the other plants with bful happy green leaves, this plant had rust looking spots. Starting with the bottom leaves and moving up. Between yesterday and TODAY, leaves are curling up and dying!

First 3 pics are yesterday. Last 2 are today. Plant looks SIGNIFICANTLY worse today.

All the other plants, EXACT same treatment/conditions....look fine. o_O

Little bit'a background, plants are the 3 varieties of Stitches Super Autos...I'd like to tell you which one is which...but I got them mixed up. :joint:

One crapping out was the tallest and only one that hadn't shown bloom yet.

All are in a mix of perlite/vermiculite/and 'specific for tomatoes' soil (best as I can tell, not speaking the language in this country-(buddy recommended it, said whats good for tomatoes is good for MJ. True?)).

Taking a look at the leaves I posted (rusty colored splotches), anyone have any ideas? :???:

Kinda fast moving for a deficiency. But who knows.......hopefully you!;-)



Active Member
Looks like some sort of def. but could be lockout. Calcium def. or lockout can cause rust spots. I'd look for that super awesome nutrient/problem guide with pictures.

Check the pH first. The rain could have altered it significantly.


Active Member
Whats your soil pH?
What are you feeding them?
And what water are you giving them?
Soil PH is kinda high....around 6.8-7.
As I said, they were in the rain for about 2 days---light drizzle. So, not sure of the rain's pH...but hey...it's rain right? Shouldn't be a problem there.
I HAVE been giving them a fert once a week using the Lucas Formula with FloraNova (8 mL of FloraNova Bloom per gallon)

Symtoms are in the leaf though, should be enough to diagnose the problems if your're an experienced grower....I would suppose.

Like I said, other 7 plants WERE fine...BUT looked today and one of them is starting to get the SAME rusty spots! Very miniscule....AT THE MOMENT. :-/


New Member
looks like a phos defiency to me get feeding them girls :) trying not to pour the nutrients on your leafs aswell man


Well-Known Member
i concur doctor phos seems to lie at the heart of that BUT! it could be a phos lockout due to high ph i would not stress too much let the soil dry as usual then just use the method of watering a ton of ph'd water then follow up twenty minutes later with med-low strength nutes it the "rain" technique by riddleme it think yall call it round here. never knew it needed a name my grammy taught it to me years ago but i digress.
p.s. if i am totally off 8ml per gallon on little girls like that seems alot what is your ec/ppm/tds?? if the necrosis continues at a raipid rate as the soil dries into tomarrrow let us know but you seem fine fer the moment.


Active Member
i concur doctor phos seems to lie at the heart of that BUT! it could be a phos lockout due to high ph i would not stress too much let the soil dry as usual then just use the method of watering a ton of ph'd water then follow up twenty minutes later with med-low strength nutes it the "rain" technique by riddleme it think yall call it round here. never knew it needed a name my grammy taught it to me years ago but i digress.
p.s. if i am totally off 8ml per gallon on little girls like that seems alot what is your ec/ppm/tds?? if the necrosis continues at a raipid rate as the soil dries into tomarrrow let us know but you seem fine fer the moment.
Best answer award!
Thanks to you too, Dr. Fever.

Thats quality info, much appreciated. I'll try the 'rain shower' method.

As far as nutes, just following the Lucas Formula. Read as much as I could about it, pretty interesting stuff. Check out this entertaining video:

Lucas 411


Well-Known Member
Wow that vid is crazy funny the way that guy fills you in is legit . But running the gh line ment for hydro in soil may not be the best but if you get results more power to you. I use chicken poo so who am I to throw stones . Go Lucas forumula !! But!! Those are fancy names dark energy and super nova!! All my plants get is superthrive that's not organic.... But anywho hope your girls are feelin fine on the plush nectar you got .


Well-Known Member
You got a dog? Is he pissing on your plant? It could be his favorite plant and don't piss on the others! This is a real possibility:lol: Piss is a little acidity and will lower your ph:lol: With a bitter taste:lol: Its the neighborhood cat hitting it too:eyesmoke:


New Member
Yes, the rain contains all types of minerals that could shift the plant off course.
Um, no it doesent. Unless we are talking about acid rain, which is pretty rare. Most rain water is less than 10 ppm and slightly acidic. Looks like the plants have a few issues going on. Did that one pot have rain water dripping off of something above it. Maybe that one containers medium is hotter than the rest.



New Member
hey mate, just like everyone up there i would say its lacking phos, but like they say, if the PH has been thrown off (very likely with rain water)the plants won't be able to absorb the nutes, check out the tables showing what nutes can be absorbed at each PH level http://www.thctalk.com/cannabis-forum/showthread.php?6128-Ph-Chart-for-Soil-and-Hydroponics Good luck bud
Not likely at all with rain water.
