Rapid Rooters


I have a few bag seeds I am going to try out before I use my good seeds as a test run so I can see how things work. I have the seeds germinating and will be done in about 2 days I was wondering if anyone has worked with Rapid Rooters and what to expect. I plan on moving to DWC but was going to start the RR's in a cup and spray every about 2-4 days so they stay moist and not soaked. Any tips are appreciated noob grow with hydro and a different medium other then soil.


Well-Known Member
Use your good seeds if you got them. No need to do trial test runs. Are the rapid rooters already wet? If so, just soak your good seeds for 10-15 minutes then push them into the rapid rooter. 1x to 2x the depth of the seed is fine. If you have a light, great go ahead and put it under it. It'll add extra warmth which usually makes them pop even faster. If not, no biggie, just keep the cubes moist. I love the big 3-liter spray bottle that you have to pump first. A light 2-3 second spray in the morning and again before I go to bed. Some people report good results with a dome, but I've never needed mine. Just keep them moist.