Rather your kid be embarrassingly gay or muslim with buck teeth?

Not.....the o'donnell stare O.O

lmao at trying to exhume judy garland
but, buck teeth can be fixed, there is no shame in being a muslim.
no shame in being gay, even if they are more a feminine gay, which is what you problably mean by embarrassingly gay.

now, on the other hand, if the muslim was a suicide bomber, and the gay son a flamboyant gay hooker who is a woman trapped in a mans body, id choose neither.
lol those are extreme cases in which either one would be highly distructive and embarrassing. so no choice.
I'd choose the suicide bomber and buy him an awesome life insurance policy. Pass Go, collect $200, buy that house on Broadway. I'd have to have a say in target choice however. cn
Anyway... on to something more important than the start of this thread, I've just spent the last 5 and a half hours being technotarded and fixing my computer because somehow something snuck passed my shit and decided to start filling my computer with all sorts of virusy shit... Fuck... I needed sleep but now it's just a little before 8 in the morning...
i am a buck toothed embarrassingly gay muslim and my mamma still loves me but then again she is a gap toothed blonde protestant bi-sexual swede sooooooo
I wouldnt want my kids choosing to be gay.. as far as the buck teeth I dont allow pacifiers or thumb sucking so that wudnt happen.. and I believe in some teachings of Islam so I wouldnt really mind that.. as long as he didnt deny Jesus and stuff.
I wouldnt want my kids choosing to be gay.. as far as the buck teeth I dont allow pacifiers or thumb sucking so that wudnt happen.. and I believe in some teachings of Islam so I wouldnt really mind that.. as long as he didnt deny Jesus and stuff.
nobody choses to be gay

thanks for the new sig btw
I'll honestly answer this question.

I'd love a gay son and a muslim son.
I think I'd choose the muslim though. I've always wondered how the child of my child would look like. I wonder what kind of my physical features would be passed on.

Now if the muslim wanted to adopt, I wouldn't care if my kid was gay or a muslim since my curiosity still wouldn't be solved.
Okay so lets say your gay kid goes to a tanning bed every day, looks like tanned leather, has bleached white hair, sneaks boys into your basement that always smells like a rotted butthole.

Okay yeah and lets say that the bucked tooth muslim is a telemarketer, who always wears a turbin regardless of what nationality he really is(you really are). Fakes a heavy accent, and is believably islam if you didnt know any better. However people turn the other directions in elevators... You know stereotypical stuff

Now its a little more specific eh? Have at it!

On a serious note though Im not against gays or muslims.. :p
the queer would be better than the muslim. At least the feds won't take an interest in my family.