RDWC putting clones into flower staggered possible??


Title says it all.

Can I do this or do all of them hve to go in at once?

I have a few clones rooted n ready to flower but not enough to fill the system, can I add the others as thy root? Or do I hve to wait n flower them all at once?


Well-Known Member
i dont think it really matters m8. as long as you have a separate veg room, and you dont change the light schedule in your flower room, staggering the plants in flower would probe be better. mor of a perpetual grow if you keep it going :)


So even though im running RDWC I can still put the plants in as they are ready? I was worried because they all would be sharing the same reservoir.
I have a 4 bucket 4 plants in each, total of 16 plants system. I could safely start half the system and put the last 8 in within a weeks' or so time and not worry about the plants needing to be on separate feeding schedules????


Not quite sure how that would help me. The system is all connected to one external reservoir using all the same pumps. This isnt DWC its RDWC.