Was thinking off chopping top half... which looks more ripe! and leaving bottom buds to mature a little more.
This last week has been perfect temp etc... after a shit week of rain and wind but this weeks been like 20 - 25 cel. and not sure if weather will keep up!
At the very TOP of the page there is a white link called GROWFAQS if you search there im sure you can find your answer plus many moreim a noob what is nitrogen? what do they mean when they say it needs more nitrogen? and im a be growing outdoors do u just put one kind of soil in the pot or do u use outdoor dirt let me know?..thanks.
Dog piss??? i don't remember him even saying he had a dog???Looks great. It sucks that you can't trust your friends. Your right though, if it wasn't someone who knows you then they would have made off with the whole plant. How long did they flower before you finally harvested?
PS. To me it looked like a dog was pissing on your yellow plant. Probably why it didn't want to grow....
they may be leafy as hellBTW first time trimming, and was kinda in a hurry... so go easy on me...