ready to flower my plants


Active Member
hello my rollitup second family members, as you can see am a newbie at this well i have 12 3 foot plants that are ready going to flower how tall will they grow when flowering is induced. i have 3 1000 hps watt on then 12/12 they are in their 2 day of flowering the strain is haze now i heard they take aproximately 8 weeks of flowering am using DNF blooming A n B plus floralicious bloom plus big bud staring out in the third week i have a 100 square feet room am using just like half of the room i keep my temp no more than 80 degrees and the humidity at 40 and at night like 75 or 70 degrees i have a co2 tank thats on for 8 hours a day 10 minutes on for each eight our.. I want to know if am doing ok or what can i do to get a better yield. about how much can i get out of those 12 plants am trying to get the best yield i invest money in this all my savings hoping to double that..if someone out here can help me i will thank you please share some knowledge...:confused:


Active Member
wowwww Lacy amazing your plants look beautiful to me!!! nice job now i have a question i am not really that well determining the rite ppm for my plants. they are only in their 2 day of flowering i started out with 1000 ppm using my dnf nutrients and floralicious bloom now what is the rite ppm amount to keep my plants in i still have 8 weeks left do i need to increase my ppm to what exact number between what range can i keep it..i want the best results.


Active Member
also i want to know what was your final yield from ur 9 4 foot plants and what is your estimate yield from my 12 plants using my 3 1000hps


New Member
Its 1 tsp per litre of water. :)

Thanks for the compliments

I don;t know the weight but I got 6 BIG mason jars full of excellent bud plus I used 2 plants for hash making that I have stashed away.:mrgreen:

fun fun :mrgreen:
wowwww Lacy amazing your plants look beautiful to me!!! nice job now i have a question i am not really that well determining the rite ppm for my plants. they are only in their 2 day of flowering i started out with 1000 ppm using my dnf nutrients and floralicious bloom now what is the rite ppm amount to keep my plants in i still have 8 weeks left do i need to increase my ppm to what exact number between what range can i keep it..i want the best results.