ready to harvest?


ive been looking at the trichomes and very few of them are amber now. these are autoflowers and are around 60 days old (close). I just wanted to double check your opinion on the overall look of the plant.



Active Member
I say two weeks as well. You still have white hairs so she has some bulkin up to do. What strain is it.


Active Member
Take some better pics from above with flash on and thatll give some more to go off of. Why did you settle for 26w cfls you shoulda went with some 42watters imo. More light and less heat for the size.


Active Member
If you are looking at the triches with a 20x + microscope and you see them starting to turn amber I would chop it. Amber is when THC starts degrading in CBD and CBN. If a'lot of the hairs are really white still I would hold off for another week or so.


Active Member
Yeah one or two will pop up. Increase the darkness hours and decrease the light say 10 on 14off and in a couple days she should be all cloudy.


Active Member
picture here
Thats a beautiful plant. Congrats she looks so healthy. water plainly let the soil dry all the way out Then chop. One week might be a little long but your pretty close. Thats my opinion. I used cfls too and got some good stuff. Nothing beats the sun though. Good luck but really you should be able to in about a week.


thanks man I think it helped a lot that I have a huge amount of experience in gardens and agriculture. I honestly never even bought a ph probe haha i just used my gut.