Really basic cloning questions


Well-Known Member
Basically I have a Mother plant (DNA Connie Chung). I use cfls and I want to make 8 or so clones and flower those so they start small(she is already touching the CFLs and is in veg, I let her veg for a long time).
Do I really need a humidity dome?
Can I put my clones in soil instead of rockwool?
How necessary is rooting gel?

Would I be better off trying to SCROG her instead?


Well-Known Member
you don't need a humidity dome. But you do need to keep them in high humidity. you can get some red plastic cups, and only fill it up about half way so that when the clone is in it you can put some plastic wrap over the top to keep moisture in. The only way your plant can get the water it needs is through it's leafs once you have cut it from the plant, so humidity is a must.

You can put clones in soil, how ever you want seed starting soil, not soil with all the ferts and everything added into it. It'll be to hot for your new root growth and kill em fast. seed starting soil has very little nutrients in it.

You don't need rooting gel, you can get rooting powder. Wal-mart and Home Depot both sell the rooting powder for like $2-$5 and it'll last you forever. Now you don't have to use a gel or powder, it just increases your chances of success.

I don't have experience with scroging so I can't say if it would be better for you or not.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help bamfrivet!
What am I looking at for misting cycle then? How often and how much? Don't want to under/over mist? If that's possible.

have u considered just cloning in water?
No, I haven't seen article for that? I will have to look it up.


Active Member
You can clone in soil, plain water, rockwool, aero bubbler etc. They all work. Some are a bit slower, some have a higher success rate but they all work. Rooting hormones help significantly but are not necessary.

It's important that the cutting not have too much green leaf material. With no root system to supply the water the leaves need for transpiration, the leaves need to be minimal. I cut mine back to one small pair of fan leaves and a growing tip.

Whether you need a humidity cover depends on your local climate. Here in the desert SW USA, with 10%-20% RH, my cuttings will fall over if I leave the cover off for an hour.