Rebranding Marijuana?


Well-Known Member
Okay, I'll back off on the "undesirables" thing, but there is a reason why I press on that issue.

I am a medical patient, and I have explored these ideas myself and with others at great length. I understand your point very well, actually. I just find it counter-productive... a misdirected use of energy which will not help achieve a very important goal.

By referring to "the voting public" you indicate you are referring only to US sentiment, and purposefully ignoring international recognition for the term 420. Well... this stigma around cannabis has a long history in this country, and it's not because the words "420" were used way back when.

I'm sure you're familiar with the many racist stereotypes associated with cannabis. You indirectly refer to these stereotypes when you pointed out who also uses the words "420."

In the 1930's the US had a massive propaganda machine stating blacks and Mexicans smoked weed and this is why they are crazy. Nixon’s “war on drugs” didn't help either, all they did was make reminiscent the same racist bullshit that started in the 30's.

My point is, the same prejudices and stereotypes assigned to "420" here in the US are the same ones applied to blacks and Mexicans.

To say that medical marijuana proponents should use different words to describe our affiliation with this drug, is to say that distancing our cause from that of blacks and Mexicans will somehow allow our cause to gain favor with the rest of the US.

But that will not work. The fact that "GangBangers" and people with "dreadlocks" use the term "420" has nothing to do with black culture originating the term, and everything to do with our time.

The words "420" are a new phenomena, adopted by the youth of the day, all the of world's youth, blacks and Mexicans included, and also the Dutch, Japanese, Australians, the whole world over.

The negative stigma by society we face is a prejudice; A prejudice against the drug, and the people who use it, and rather then distance ourselves from a few cultures who also use the words, instead we should be focused on liberating all words for the drug, regardless of which words certain cultures use.

Here is something an old (age) black friend said to me, that really hit home:

"Oh, so instead of saying ______, why don't you just say: It's not for black people and Mexicans anymore, now it's medicine!"

This is why I say you need to forgive the other people who also use the words "420" and to forgive yourself for using the same drug as those cultures who to this day fight against the same stigmas you mentioned today.


Well-Known Member
"These numbers only have relevance because we, the voting public, have assigned relevance to those numbers."

NO shit and this is my point!!!!!

You just contradicted yourself here and stated my point for me.
And what makes you think whatever new term adopted by the medical community won't be adopted by the same groups of people you are seeking to distance yourself from?

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
420 is 1.90 oz. short of a pound. Isn't it? Is my math wrong.
Lb = 448 so it's a zip off.
453.5 gr = 1 .lb
28.3 gr = 1 oz.
453-420= 33 grams
yup= 1 zip
My math was off
Where's the .3 coming from on a oz?? 28= oz never had a 28.3 oz
Actually 1 oz. = 28.349523 gr. it's just the conversion ratio
Where Im from that .3 gets tossed and you get 28.
well my point is it's waaaaay to close to not mean something as far as this 420 legend goes
at leas for me.. i get to thinking people try to take away from the smarts that smokers have . it's to easy to say some stoners were out smoking at that time . so the 420 thing just stuck. why not 4:00 o clock or 4:30 or 4:15. noone meets anywhere at 4:20 .

this is just my way of thinking .
420 is 28 grams (1 oz) shy of a pound
to close to not be related in some way
RE: where you heard it first ...LOL


Well-Known Member
I know plenty of people who have no clue what 420 means, or that the number even stands for anything.
4:20 is just convenient. It's the time when most people are sitting at work wishing that last hour would just speed up. It's the teenagers who did their homework having time to reward themselves. It's the time when everyone just needs to relax a little.

Cannabis, Marijuana, Mary Jane, Weed, Green Crack, Mex, Brickweed, 420. The terms will never go away, they are descriptive.
It'd be like saying okay, you can't call African-American's black anymore. Well what are you supposed to say?


Well-Known Member
And what makes you think whatever new term adopted by the medical community won't be adopted by the same groups of people you are seeking to distance yourself from?
I am not proposing a new term. And I am not seeking to distance myself from anyone, I am attempting to bring the public in. this is two entirely different actions.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
I know plenty of people who have no clue what 420 means, or that the number even stands for anything.
4:20 is just convenient. It's the time when most people are sitting at work wishing that last hour would just speed up. It's the teenagers who did their homework having time to reward themselves. It's the time when everyone just needs to relax a little.

Cannabis, Marijuana, Mary Jane, Weed, Green Crack, Mex, Brickweed, 420. The terms will never go away, they are descriptive.
It'd be like saying okay, you can't call African-American's black anymore. Well what are you supposed to say?
i like black wwaaaaay more then african-american
(1 afirca is not a country and 2 mostly because there's no real proof that my ancesters came from africa other then saying "more likely then not")


Well-Known Member
I am not proposing a new term. And I am not seeking to distance myself from anyone, I am attempting to bring the public in. this is two entirely different actions.
Really? Now I'm confused. You indicated you look down upon those professionals who use the term 420.

The public is already in on the discussion. The public is already using the term "420" and many professionals are attempting to gain credibility for everything surrounding the term "420."

Exactly what is it you are looking to change?


Well-Known Member
i like black wwaaaaay more then african-american
(1 afirca is not a country and 2 mostly because there's no real proof that my ancesters came from africa other then saying "more likely then not")
All my African American friends say they just want to be called black.

Actually, they say they want to be called by their name! :lol:


Well-Known Member
I know plenty of people who have no clue what 420 means, or that the number even stands for anything.
4:20 is just convenient. It's the time when most people are sitting at work wishing that last hour would just speed up. It's the teenagers who did their homework having time to reward themselves. It's the time when everyone just needs to relax a little.

Cannabis, Marijuana, Mary Jane, Weed, Green Crack, Mex, Brickweed, 420. The terms will never go away, they are descriptive.
It'd be like saying okay, you can't call African-American's black anymore. Well what are you supposed to say?
I am not proposing users and the public say anything different. I don't care what people call it but if ever expect to change the stigma of marijuana and change the kneejerk reaction the voting public have to the marijuana user we will need to do some PR work. I don't think sticking 420 in every "so called" professional title or business is doing any good. I would never do it and I think it does us all a disservice. When I open my practice I will promote medical marijuana and I think I will win over and gain more respect from the public if I don't title myself "the stoner Dr.". The more Professional marihuana is treated the better PR it will get, thus more votes from nonusers. It is only an opinion. Take it or leave but please don't take it personal for Pete's sake.


Well-Known Member
i like black wwaaaaay more then african-american
(1 afirca is not a country and 2 mostly because there's no real proof that my ancesters came from africa other then saying "more likely then not")
Yeah I never ever "on principle" use the term "African American".


Well-Known Member
Really? Now I'm confused. You indicated you look down upon those professionals who use the term 420.

The public is already in on the discussion. The public is already using the term "420" and many professionals are attempting to gain credibility for everything surrounding the term "420."

Exactly what is it you are looking to change?
You are confused and I will leave it at that.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
I am not proposing a new term. And I am not seeking to distance myself from anyone, I am attempting to bring the public in. this is two entirely different actions.
i truely understand you

he's trying to soften the blow of the word for those who still group weed in with drugs when it should be grouped in with alcohol and tobaccoo
weed does need better "PR"
but it will be looked at as nothing to my grandkids gen (it's almost there now)


Well-Known Member
I am not proposing users and the public say anything different. I don't care what people call it but if ever expect to change the stigma of marijuana and change the kneejerk reaction the voting public have to the marijuana user we will need to do some PR work. I don't think sticking 420 in every "so called" professional title or business is doing any good. I would never do it and I think it does us all a disservice. When I open my practice I will promote medical marijuana and I think I will win over and gain more respect from the public if I don't title myself "the stoner Dr.". The more Professional marihuana is treated the better PR it will get, thus more votes from nonusers. It is only an opinion. Take it or leave but please don't take it personal for Pete's sake.
Oh, I take the cause very personally. I've wasted all this time responding to your thread because I sense that you are inclined to help the cause.

I'm sorry, I know my passions can be... intimidating. I argue with you because I want you to be successful in our mutual desire to see the public opinion favor our drug.

And when I hear a serious mind consider the ideas of which I accused you, I feel compelled to correct problems in logic... to further enable with what I consider the "right" attitude.

Professionalism is important, I agree. But what is unprofessional about 420, they are just numbers? Focus on coercing the public into thinking differently about the drug, and call it 420 so they know what you're talking about! Why not dis-spell the prejudices, one by one, and reclaim the meaning of the words!


Well-Known Member
i truely understand you

he's trying to soften the blow of the word for those who still group weed in with drugs when it should be grouped in with alcohol and tobaccoo
weed does need better "PR"
but it will be looked at as nothing to my grandkids gen (it's almost there now)
Yes. It's not personal it just a social reality. When people see a "420" Dr they see a pot smoker that just happens to be a Dr and wants everyone else to smoke his dank shit he sells at the dispensary he is a partial owner of. LOL!

I know Dr's that don't advertise there support of MMJ but prescribe it when the medical science calls for it. If it is treat professionally by professionals it will be treat professionally by the public. Just trying to force the public to accept the "420" culture you are going to have one hell of a time a total legalization. That is what I am shooting for. Legalization, not decrim or regulation but legalization.


Well-Known Member
Oh, I take the cause very personally. I've wasted all this time responding to your thread because I sense that you are inclined to help the cause.

I'm sorry, I know my passions can be... intimidating. I argue with you because I want you to be successful in our mutual desire to see the public opinion favor our drug.

And when I hear a serious mind consider the ideas of which I accused you, I feel compelled to correct problems in logic... to further enable with what I consider the "right" attitude.

Professionalism is important, I agree. But what is unprofessional about 420, they are just numbers? Focus on coercing the public into thinking differently about the drug, and call it 420 so they know what you're talking about! Why not dis-spell the prejudices, one by one, and reclaim the meaning of the words!
Intimidating? don't flatter yourself. Intimidating? WTF LOL!

Please for goodness don't waste anymore time here in my thread. Please, feel free to move on to another thread were people are less timid.