Recently treanplanted RW into hempy solo..How do I water perlite without soakin RW

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Easy now bro!, the rockwool cube can be wet, thats fine, if your plant starts to droop after transplanting, mist the leaves with a hand sprayer with just a drop of grow fertilizer per quart, if your plant has brown spots, mist with plain water. if your pearlite isnt getting wet, plug your drain hole fill the bucket with plain water, soak for 5 min, then drain. also, cut a Pie-Plate sized disc of black weed-barrier cloth, and slit it to the center, cut a hole in the middle about 1/2" in diamer for your stem, and cover your pearlite. this will kill the algae, and stop excessive evaporation. the key to a hempy bucket is to force the pant to work for it's dinner so it doesnt require constant attention. tough love will make her stronger.