recipes for the sacred brew?


Active Member
I have an ounce of both psycotria verdis and cappi.
how much of each should be used for a proper dose?
Have you checked out the Nexus? They have a big ayahuasca section there, plus a sticky at the top for brew preparation. One post I saw there mentioned 100mg freebase with 250mg caapi alkaloids. That, of course, would be a post extraction brew.
Nexus said:
-Dosage: Impossible to speculate. Realistically, this could mean anywhere between 50~150g, or possibly more, depending on type of vine and the person.

-Chacruna (Psychotria Viridis): The most traditional of all Ayahuasca admixture plants. Contains nn-dmt.
-Brewing tips: Traditionally, the vine and Chacruna are placed into a pot, in alternating layers. GENERALLY, the ratio of vine:Chacruna is 1:1.
-Practical notes: The alkaloid content of this plant varies widely over the course of a day, which makes harvesting somewhat tricky; for this reason, purchasing Chacruna over the internet is hit or miss. Some report Hawaiian as being stronger. The DMT content of Chacruna is lower than most other admixture plants, meaning a higher volume of plant must be brewed.
-Experiential notes: Chacruna is a POWERFUL catalyst of transformation. Visions have included symbols of ancient language, intense presence of the forest, complete ego-death (precluded by insanity), and actual conversations with plants. A very "green" energy.
Lots of good info over there. :)


Active Member
Ok I should be more specific. I actually have an ounce of caapi leaves
and 7.5 gs of psychotria verdis leaves. So my question it even worth brewing up
Or should I buy the actuall vines and do it traditionally? I want to eventually do it the
Traditional way but would what I have produce the desired effects?
Well, being that the person I quoted recommended between 50 and 150g of each, I don't think 7.5g would be enough. But this isn't from first hand experience, just anecdotal research. Take it as you will.


Active Member
Shit alright well does anyone have any info on brewing just caapi tea?
Ill just eat a capsule of freebase like 20 mins after I drink some caapi tea.


Well-Known Member
whaass up Stanky!!!
long time no talk my bro.

i wish i could help ya with this question but I dont know much about dmt or caapi brews.

best of luck to ya!


Ive heard 10 grams of mamosa bark to 10 grams of syrian rue to make one dose.

Ive made the brew before took me about 5 hours to get it right.


Stanky.....PM me for details on how to make some great brew. I know my posts are low but Ive made great brew before and I was taught by someone who makes brew on a near weekly basis.