Well-Known Member
Awesome dawg ..
Fluoride is one of the key breakers no doubt,
its no good for organics, and its no good for us..
no wonder they try get the kids suckin on toothpaste
and water fountains from preschool..
Shit was used in nazi camps to keep the inmates docile..
Why they use it still?
Guess you gotta ask...
you think they want you to know you can bend time?
see the future?
dive in to the past vividly?
Scan blood for disease?
Heal with a belief portal?
Learn stuff while asleep?
Read minds?
Intuitively predict danger?
Have clairaudience warn you?
... naaaaa... not even, ppl like that are impossible to control they think too freely.. They like Lucy, on some crazy Terrence McKenna ish...
If they didn't believe in all this then why do prison bars get made from iron to this day? It inhibits astral travel and dreaming, trapping the soul ..
Watch some docs on ayahuasca and scope out straussman's work on DMT free e book for some of the most insane research ever documented openly .. Books on lucid dreaming, brain waves, dxm studies, PastLRs even, if you can buy into the possibility,
By the time your done, you might not believe you're an earthling!! That's how the deep the rabbit holes go..
And alright,
I think we'll start a thread called
"Psychooooooo Stories of a Don Gwan Trippin, Mon"
Exploring the cosmos without a rocket..
You're mad welcome to help navigate that ship into serious mysterious waters
Real shit dawg. It's sad.
Bro, I just watched Lucy and it was the dopest fuckin movie man. I wanna watch it again. I was relating everything you said
watching it. Fucking gooood shit! Next plan is to shroom and watch it!
Damn, I didn't know that about the jails and stuff. Fucked up, makes sense though.
Ive read some on ayahusca too, that's some real medicine mon.
Thanks for the reading links dude, ill check em out.
Oh ya man, I buy it. Im very open to lots of ideas. Read about ppl experiencing em too.
Lmao I can dig it.
Thanks man! Ill try to find the nearest wormhole while navigating the Bermuda Triangle! haha (true story btw, if you know.. you know)
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