Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

View attachment 3530576 your right your all Ears lol could you be so kind to post up some of your organic mj plants :) would love to see it as well as many others i would bet being you never even started a thread on this site..
and from looking at this thread sure there are a lot of people now doing the compost thing but also there are a lot of people purchasing organic soils and then making teas etc many ways to skin a chicken when it comes to organic growing
Dayum thinking about a bag of promix one bag of sheep manure, 1 bag of sea compost , little more peat, some sand , hell even a bag of top soil and pow your organic add some perlite dolomite i you like haha man millions of ways to do it

but still waiting show us your soils and garden :) i have why haven't you or Rrog bring it on show us how its done tired of just talk same thing said by other growers over n over for 100 's of years

you want to see some natural frost
If you had taken the time to actually read some of the great material in this thread you would have seen quite a few picts from my garden. However, you're still trolling this thread cause you're butt hurt about people bashing your chems.

My current run getting attacked by all the bad microbes from the randomly foraged material in my pots. They have naturally made biochar from the foothills here, mycelium from the soil in the national forest, etc.



Man! They look like they're miserable !

Great natural materials you have available, P. Good for you
My current run getting attacked by all the bad microbes from the randomly foraged material in my pots. They have naturally made biochar from the foothills here, mycelium from the soil in the national forest, etc.

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Awesome looking plants man. Can't wait to use no till too. My soil is just about done cooking two more days than they go into my final pots.
Awesome looking plants man. Can't wait to use no till too. My soil is just about done cooking two more days than they go into my final pots.
Thanks nvhak! In my experience the soil will get better with time. I used the cooking methodology for a long time. I think it has a lot to do with what you actually put in your mix. However, I have been planting straight into fresh Coot's mixes for a while now. I always think it is a great idea to throw a plant you don't care about in the mix first and see what happens. Good luck with your notills!

Man! They look like they're miserable !

Great natural materials you have available, P. Good for you
Thanks Rrog! I do a lot of hiking, and it's not uncommon for me to come back with a sandwich baggie of something to throw in my pots. I always try to be respectful about my foraging methods.

That plant looks horrible. Tons of spider mite damage and deficiencies. Back to the drawing board for you.
Hyroot, this is the perfect example of where spending a lot of money at the hydrostore can get you LOL!


View attachment 3530576 your right your all Ears lol could you be so kind to post up some of your organic mj plants :) would love to see it as well as many others i would bet being you never even started a thread on this site..
and from looking at this thread sure there are a lot of people now doing the compost thing but also there are a lot of people purchasing organic soils and then making teas etc many ways to skin a chicken when it comes to organic growing
Dayum thinking about a bag of promix one bag of sheep manure, 1 bag of sea compost , little more peat, some sand , hell even a bag of top soil and pow your organic add some perlite dolomite i you like haha man millions of ways to do it

but still waiting show us your soils and garden :) i have why haven't you or Rrog bring it on show us how its done tired of just talk same thing said by other growers over n over for 100 's of years

you want to see some natural frost

That plant looks horrible. Tons of spider mite damage and deficiencies. Back to the drawing board for you.
bonjour jacob mon petit gâteau Vous avez ce droit Cris 3590 sont écraser les autres lumières que dans l'argent dans votre portefeuille . mais pour le prix d'un qui se compare à Hidi se acheter deux et le fracas qui cree des rendements anyday de la semaine , vous tirent livres threee par votre lumière 3590 ???
J'ai pensé ainsi
Drôle fracassant comme en comparaison sage des coûts , de l'argent qui sort de votre portefeuille haha mais encore une fois pour huit cents dollars plus i sera en fait détruire tout dollar en torchis pour dollar spent.if nous regardons balasts même mag pour 900 dollars dépensés à mae un épi unité qui battra peut-être un HID je voudrais enfait aurait 7000 watts de HID donc qui gagne 900 épi de dollar ou 7000 se cachaient , mais cela au monde dE et wow 2030 watts dE pour le prix d' une unité de torchis sens pas dans mon monde spécialement lorsque l'alimentation est pas cher au Québec
Could you translate in English please...
This is not french...sorry!
I can't say I don't understand a word cause most of the word are french...but mean nothing for me!
But I appreciate the effort!
But since it is a site in english you can go for english it would be easier for me!
Have a great day ★
Owe i apologize that i must of hurt your feelings at one time or another but when some one looks at what contributions that that gave to this site it appears were not even in the same league your upset cause i question LED or cob's and your i think a avid cree grower ??? yet when we look into your history we do not even see a journal anything interesting isn't talk the talk but really never walked the walk

it appears your clogging up a grow site with non sense

Same thing applies with patahabi nothing on this guy either but as usual talking the talk i posted my soils way back in this thread dam even -6 right now my plant is still outside 6 + months with 0 nutrients 0 teas other then 2 applicaitons of top dressing grass clippings
so with all that said i use my own soils not copy sub cools recipe haha and wait or results huge diference
i have used oils/ fats in my composts pretty much everything and from day one i have made my own soils with spectacular results Don't be mad no need to were all here to help but get set in your ways be like trying to teach a old dog new tricks yeah think ???
Hey does this box look familiar ??
hey i do not add amendments to my soil i make them no need for dust . blood meal TEAS lol
And yes if i decide to grow organic indoor using my outdoor soils i will in fact sterilize it then recharge with bacto and other charging materials
No for some that use my ways great for others that use there ways GREAT its all about growing plants at the end of the day


Honestly, of all the people you could have singled out for not contributing good info, you choose Rrog and P?? I have learned more from those two than anyone else that comes to mind on this forum. Rrog has one of the best organic threads on ANY site in the Michigan patients section.

Are you bored and just looking to bicker?
That plant looks horrible. Tons of spider mite damage and deficiencies. Back to the drawing board for you.
lmao that is frost there kiddo - 10 today n chopping Had first frost on sunday always chop second frost not bad for 6 months from start to finish IMG2746.jpg IMG2607.jpg with out any nutrients other then grass clippings applied 2 times :) would really like to see you pull a 6 month grow with out any nutrients and only rain water used :) i can't see it happening can you ??
Yo patahibi nice little plants you go going on there.. looks good and healthy you adding teas :)
anyways i got to sharpen my scissors I'll make sure to post what a 4 - 6 pound plant looks like once all done cheers Darth
lmao that is frost there kiddo - 10 today n chopping Had first frost on sunday always chop second frost not bad for 6 months from start to finish View attachment 3530640 View attachment 3530649 with out any nutrients other then grass clippings applied 2 times :) would really like to see you pull a 6 month grow with out any nutrients and only rain water used :) i can't see it happening can you ??
Yo patahibi nice little plants you go going on there.. looks good and healthy you adding teas :)
anyways i got to sharpen my scissors I'll make sure to post what a 4 - 6 pound plant looks like once all done cheers Darth

I don't think so Tim
Your right Root i dont think you could do it either but can assure you it was actual frost no bug issues like your grows sir i mean cmon does this look like a plant with out any issues ?? lol oh here closer shot of my plant back in mid sept looks like mite issues to you ??
Mind you since sept my weather has been far from allowing mites to live haha 4 degrees to 15 to october -10 to12 degrees actually last night dipped down to -12 only leaf issues are from extreme cold nothing else..

PS: you ever get your mite and all other stuf sorted ?? lol she sure looks like one hurting unit let alone nutrient issues tat is

hyroot.jpgIMG2553.jpg IMG2590.jpg IMG2591.jpg
Hey i even complimented Pats grow they are healthy ..
but you Root sir i must admit out of all the organic growers on this site you are number 1 for the most sickliest plants Well done
Your right Root i dont think you could do it either but can assure you it was actual frost no bug issues like your grows sir i mean cmon does this look like a plant with out any issues ?? lol oh here closer shot of my plant back in mid sept looks like mite issues to you ??
Mind you since sept my weather has been far from allowing mites to live haha 4 degrees to 15 to october -10 to12 degrees actually last night dipped down to -12 only leaf issues are from extreme cold nothing else..

PS: you ever get your mite and all other stuf sorted ?? lol she sure looks like one hurting unit let alone nutrient issues tat is

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Lmao you are really reaching.... if yours really had frost then they're garbage. Full of mold. Either way bad job.

Here's that same plant in flower now. It sat in a 2 gals for 2 months so it had a slight mag def. That pic was the day it was transplanted. You know that already. I said that on that page. Nice try though. And even with mag def it still is healthier than yours.

Your 3 pics there all have molybdenum defs and pest problems.

They're as healthy as can be now.





You wish you could be me


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Thanks nvhak! In my experience the soil will get better with time. I used the cooking methodology for a long time. I think it has a lot to do with what you actually put in your mix. However, I have been planting straight into fresh Coot's mixes for a while now. I always think it is a great idea to throw a plant you don't care about in the mix first and see what happens. Good luck with your notills!

Thanks Rrog! I do a lot of hiking, and it's not uncommon for me to come back with a sandwich baggie of something to throw in my pots. I always try to be respectful about my foraging methods.

Hyroot, this is the perfect example of where spending a lot of money at the hydrostore can get you LOL!


I had some used black and gold soil that I used over the summer and I put in some craft blend admendments from buildAsoil and worm castings and rice hulls I'll my cuttings in there final pots this weekend. Yeah I've read and watched guys saying the soil only get better as time goes on. It's pretty damn easy to go this way I love not having to mess with pH pens and up and down time consuming and annoying rather brew up a SST, compost tea or feed them some coconut water and aloe juice super simple and my girls are loving it so far.
Hey Guys just wanted to say Sorry if i come across as a prick sometimes to some of you , or all of you haha i mean good ,, always ound whe bring out side soil into our indoor grows its becomes a cluster fuck with insects everybody is always worried about living organic soil which is so simple to put in soil its not even funny..
If anyone is using outdoor soil and bringing it inside ???
They should really consider sterilizing the soil and starting all over, Even if chemical nutrients were used in your soil your soil is not dead but damaged
First and foremost, DON'T go wasting your money on all these miracle products, they are unnecessary, Don't go buying into all these products, your getting fooled out of your wallet!
The best thing to add to your soil:
-Compost(make yourself,etc)
-plant matter(cover crops/green manures)
-mulch(again plant matter, leaves,etc)
-get a carbon water filter and filter the chlorine
-compost tea(make yourself, simple 5 gallon bucket($3), a water pump($10) and some compost(free?, but is really priceless!) simple as that..
- did I say compost? Compost,Compost,compost
I would just keep adding compost, planting cover crops/green manures, an continue mulching.. That's the best way for your soil, as well as your wallet! Please don't get foole an buy all these products, it's unnecessary.

Hey Darth, I have to say it's pretty low to quote someone else and try and take credit for it. And if by chance this is actually you, you're still an idiot for quoting a post that is over two years old. I'm seriously doubting those are even your pictures now. Beyond sad and pathetic and the reason you are now on my ignore list. @Rrog @stowandgrow thought you might enjoy this as well.


Best of luck poser,

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I assume he posted that earlier? I have had the ignore feature activated. I feel like Un-ignoring to read a post is sort of dignifying the post so I mostly don't. At least it keeps me chill