Red Stems, curling leaves, and yellow spots

fedora bora

Active Member
Well, two nights ago I was looking at my baby and her stems were fine, but this morning when I checked on her, about a third or more of the the fan leaves' stems were red.
Why are they red now? Is it bad? Will they continue to turn red? What do I need to do?

For as long as I can remember my baby has had a few of the middle blades on the fan leaves curl. The last inch or so of the blade corkscrews. Not every fan leaf has a blade like this, but a few of them do.
Why is the middle blade corkscrewing?

Some of the leaves are also developing tiny yellow spots. Only a few leaves have them and usually only one or two little dots.
What's with the dots?

Right now my baby is like two months old and I feed her nutes once a week. I have been giving her this organic stuff, but it is only 1-1-1. Im giving her 1ml per liter. Should I give her more or less?

Any help would be appreciated.