Reddish Stems


Well-Known Member
i just noticed that my babes stems, the ones that werent already brownish red, have tunred a bit brownish red. it probably was a bit cold in there, im just hoping not too cold. they are in the process of flowering. also some of the leavs are looking a tad bit down, i think they just need some water. any thoughts.


Well-Known Member
Phosphorous (P)

P is used by plants in the transfer of light energy to chemical compounds. It is also used in large quantities for root growth and flowering. Marijuana uses P mostly during early growth and flowering. Fertilizers and nutrient mixes usually supply adequate amounts of P during growth stages so plants usually do not experience a deficiency. Rock phosphate and bone meal are the organic fertilizers usually recommended for P deficiency. However they release the mineral slowly, and are more suited to outdoor gardening than indoors. They can be added to medium to supplement soluble fertilizers.
P-deficient plants have small dark green leaves, with red stems and red veins. The tips of lower leaves sometimes die. Eventually the entire lower leaves yellow and die. Fertilization affects only new growth. Marijuana uses large quantities of P during flowering. Many fertilizer manufacturers sell mixes high in P specifically for blooming plants.

* I should add that I've had red stems too, and while it doesn't necessarily halt your grow - you can work through it. It does signify that the plants aren't growing as efficiently as they could (due to lack of nutes).


Well-Known Member
i dont really think i have a P definciency because im using 10-50-10 nutrients. but i could possibly give them more.


Well-Known Member
:joint: i have neverf had a problem with my red stems and like oh 95% of my plants have red striping in the stemsand i use great nutes, have a clean enviro, and super healthy plants and clones.

i think as long as you dont show signs of discoloration (yellow,green,brown) or growth probs that your fine.

also. all of my grows have sown red stems but ive grown mostl indica strains, so i have noticed that for about week 2-4 youl see red striping develope then they just grow out of it

